Someone’s glad his feet aren’t wet

Location: ao_gridlock
Date: 2024-09-30
Weather: No wind, damp, 16°C

Q: Flu Shot
PAX: 5 – Snowflake, Sous Vide, Muck, Hoser, Flu Shot

None, got after it

Tha Thang
Rucked ccw from start to neighborhood corners to pullup shelter to pool parking lot and back to start. Carried the flag, an 8lb medicine ball, and a coupon w us. Stopped a baseball fence for 1 minute wall sit and 1 minute plank. Stopped at shelter for 2 rounds of 20 squats, 20 incM, 20 table shrugs, and 20 decM.
At COT mentioned a number os us traveling this week, as well as prayers for people including family affected by the storm and flooding.
Muck prayed us out.

End in COT

Throw Momma From The Train

Location: ao_black_ops
Date: 2024-09-28
Weather: 63F and Moist

Q: Stache
PAX: 2 – Stache, Firefly

20 Merkins
20 LBCs/Big Boys
20 Dying Cockroaches
20 Cockroach Resurrections

Tha Thang
Split into 2 groups.
1st Round – One group performs 30 overhead presses, second group planks for the duration. Alternate.
2nd Round – One group performs 30 curls, second group holds Al Gore for the duration. Alternate.
3rd Round – One group performs 30 dips, second group performs flutter kicks for the duration. Alternate.
4th Round – One group performs 30 bent over rows, second group lunges for the duration.

Completed nearly two rounds of this with a Firefly jog thrown in for good measure.

End in COT

Kentucky Rain

Location: ao_gridlock
Date: 2024-09-28
Weather: Kentucky rain keeps pouring down… And up ahead’s another town that I’ll go walking through… With the rain in my shoes (rain in my shoes)…. Searching for you… In the cold Kentucky rain.

Q: Muck
PAX: 4 – Muck, Axeman, Hoser, Dr. Quinn

– Michael Phelps
– Willie Mays Hayes (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Quad pulls OYO
– Tricep pulls (switch)
– Air guitars
– Grass grabbers, 10, IC

Tha Thang
Most of the work today was done in the baseball shelter, with the occasional short parking lot lap in the rain.

Began with two rounds of exercise dice (lunges and crunches were the hot rolls).

Then, all pax grabbed a coupon and brought it back to the shelter. We then fell into a burning “Ring of Fire”. 1:30 of exercise, followed by a :20 rotational period. Here are the 16 exercise stations:
– Curls w/ coupon
– Bench Press
– Overhead Press w/ coupon
– Overhead Claps
– Man Makers
– Grass Grabbers
– Jump Rope
– Coupon Swings
– Box Cutters
– Big Boy Situps
– Flutter Kicks
– Imperial Walkers
– Plank Jacks
– Alphabets
– Tony Delks
– Side Straddle Hops

Between each round of four exercises, we ran a short parking lot lap.

Finished everything off with a final round of exercise dice.

End in COT

Merry/Mary Run

Location: ao_gridlock
Date: 2024-09-24
Weather: Awesome

Q: Oshag
PAX: 11 – Circle K, Steve-O, Muck, LeBron, Buzz Kill, Corn Dog, Axeman, Hoser, El Baño, Sous Vide, Oshag

Hoser picked a brother up and started the warm up whilst the Q was a minute or 2 late. Dynos and other stuff – not to be done twice

Tha Thang
Run the loop. We stopped every .5 mile or so to pick up the 6 and a little Merry. Is it Merry or Mary? Anyway, the Merry/Mary Q’s were Oshag, Sous Vide, Steve-O, Muck, and Circle K.

End in COT

When you see a Snowflake in September you need a Dura Flame log!!!

Location: ao_gridlock
Date: 2024-09-25
Weather: 68 and raining. Perfect!

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 6 – Sous Vide, Cowbell, Steve-O, Snowflake, Buzz Kill, El Baño

Extensive dynamic warm up

Tha Thang
Mosey over to big hill (sidewalk) in front of baseball stadium. Ran as fast and far as possible up the hill. Walk back down to fully recover. Repeat 9 more times.
It was great seeing Snowflake back out after his recovery from knee surgery!! Also had an FNG who is friends with Jello Shot. His name was Ben but now called Dura Flame. Dude can RUN!!

End in COT

Just Ruck Baby

Location: ao_gridlock
Date: 2024-09-23
Weather: Beautifully muggy

Q: Oshag
PAX: 7 – Buzz Kill, Sous Vide, Deacon Blues, Circle K, Hoser, Muck, Oshag

Dynos and a ruck to the pull-up shelter

Tha Thang
Ruck to the pull-up shelter for an arm burnout:
Interval was 3:30
Exercises: Pull/Chin-ups, Merkins, Ruck Curls, Dips
Reps: PAX choice – work to failure on one exercise and then change
Repeato until the timer signal
Repeato one more time

Ruck to the basketball courts
Ruck Celebrations – 3:00 timer, 20 seconds rest
Rd 1 – Celebration with ruck, once that Celebration is complete, drop the ruck and complete a normal Celebration, alternate back to Celebration with ruck until the timer signal
Rd 2 – Rifle Carry Ruck Celebration for the full timer – if you have to put the ruck down, you stop moving
Rd 3 – Repeato Round 1

We renamed the new Cousin Eddie to Loose Change. Welcome, Loose Change.

End in COT

When you want the Eggo, you have to DIEGO

Location: ao_black_ops
Date: 2024-09-21
Weather: I thought it was a bit stuffy

Q: Flu Shot
PAX: 4 – Flu Shot, Firefly, Bettis, Pigskin

Stretched a bit, then got into it

Tha Thang
Diego consisted of 100 merkins, 150 OHP, 200 LBC, 250 curls, 300 goblet squats split bt partners. Partner ran up the hill and back. Completed the day w a few Marys. Discussed Rucktober, as well as the 2ndF of F3 brotherhood across different farflung AOs, and how that mirrors the brotherhood we have in Jesus. Firefly prayed us out.

End in COT

Break Stuff

Location: ao_gridlock
Date: 2024-09-21
Weather: Cloudy, but beautiful

Q: Dr. Quinn
PAX: 8 – LeBron, Incognito, Splitter, Subject Matter, Hoser, No Mas, Radio, Dr. Quinn

Side staddle Hops
Grass grabbers
Michael Phelps
Butt Kickers
Pigeon Pulls

Tha Thang
Split up into 3 groups. PAX picked exercise and performed absolute most that could… then lapped the parking lot. On returning, PAX needed to repeat the exercise but increase the reps by 2, in order to break their prior record. Next exercise performed to maximum, then lapped the parking lot, then broke their record by 2. Then rotated through the Stops in the same pattern… breaking their personal records for the day.

Stop 1Man Makers
Overhead press
Bent Over rows
Copperhead Squats

Stop 2
Bench Press
Flutter Kicks
American Hammers

Stop 3
Big Boys

End in COT


Location: ao_moco
Date: 2024-09-21
Weather: 71 and nice

Q: G. Shower
PAX: 3 – G. Shower, Tonka, Gwazi

Warmed up muscles for Nordic work

Tha Thang
300 group reps while one Pax ran around lap around AO while Vikings music pumped us up!

V-V Ups
I- incline Merkins
K- Kicks of a Donkey
I- Incline Overhead Presses
N- Nightclubs of Morocca
G- Gas Pumpers

End in COT

Catch up ruck

Location: ao_sherwood
Date: 2024-09-20
Weather: 65 and clear

Q: Cowbell
PAX: 5 – Cowbell, Oshag, Steve-O, Buzz Kill, Flu Shot

We started rucking to warm up

Tha Thang
Catch up ruck with squats, Tony Delks, walking lunges, mercans, and ruck swings for PT. Finished with 6 burpees for friendly runners. Added some planks, Peter Parkers, and light stretching to fill out the remaining time.

End in COT

Ruck, Run, Fun

Location: ao_sherwood
Date: 2024-09-18
Weather: 60° and beautiful

Q: Splitter
PAX: 3 – Splitter, Sous Vide, El Baño


Tha Thang
Ruck through Sherwood for a bit. Then double time. The halt and complete 15 squats, 10 merkins, 10 good mornings. Rinse and repeat for a half lap.

Once back in parking lot, rucks off for 11’s with merkins and tnt toads. Bear crawl in between.

End in COT

Glad you could join me on the other side

Location: ao_gridlock
Date: 2024-09-17
Weather: Nice, gloomy, w no rain

Q: Flu Shot
PAX: 13 – Flu Shot, Incognito, LeBron, Princess Peach, Bubbles, Buzz Kill, Cowbell, Steve-O, Sous Vide, El Baño, Oshag, Circle K, Hoser

Stretched, then stretched a bit more at Steve-o’s behest; carried coupons to the field

Tha Thang
Tucked away in Tom Petty’s secret house’s basement closet crawlspace was found a scrap of paper describing this exercise set, which became the impetus for his hit song “WAITING is the hardest part.”
W – Warrior arms
A – angle ups
I – imperial walkers
T – turn signals
I – imperial blockers
N – no surrenders
G – gaspumpers
All x10 – pax could do 2as1 if they wanted to, Q did not care
After each set, pax were to run around the football field doing a decreasing number of merkins at each corner starting w 16, 15, 14, 13, then another set, then 12, 11,10, 9, and so forth. However, pac were interrupted at the 14 corner w a musical challenge – Flower by Moby – and at the 12 corner – The Rockafeller Skank by Fatboy Slim – thus ending after the 3rd set. Took coupons back, added on 15 HRMs for good measure, and called it a day.
2ndF – discussed upcoming Rocktober and new shirt order
3rdF – discussed John study and the importance of Jesus as our example and taking that out into the world
Oshag prayed us out

End in COT

Like Clockwork

Location: ao_gridlock
Date: 2024-09-16
Weather: Clear skies, perfect temp… September goodness!

Q: Muck
PAX: 8 – Hoser, G. Shower, Buzz Kill, Corn Dog, Sous Vide, Cowbell, Circle K, Muck

Nope… gotta roll to stay on time!

Tha Thang
2.4 mile mumble ruck. Seven stations of 20 squats, 20 mercans.

Welcome Sam Collins! Because Sam was given a duplicate F3Lex name, he’ll be re-named at his next post. See you soon Sam!

End in COT

Don’t got one

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-09-14
Weather: Wonderful

Q: Oshag
PAX: 11 – Radio, Dr. Quinn, Boxcar, Swift, Subject Matter, No Mas, Cowbell, Hoser, Baby Driver, Muck, Oshag

Dynos and carrying coupons to the football field

Tha Thang
EMOM timer set for 25 seconds: PAX choice of an exercise for those 25 seconds for 3 rounds. After the 3rd round, best effort run for the length of the entire field and back. Pick up with the timer when you returned and repeat until the timer ended = 20 minutes.

Moved over to the hill for 5 No Surrenders at the bottom of the hill, run up, and Crawl Bear down the hill. Repeat until the timer stopped – 4 minutes.

Back to the football field for one-on-one drills. One PAX ran a football pass route and the other defended. The rest of the PAX were lead in various exercises while everyone rotated through the one-on-ones.

Move the coupons back to their home and with a couple of minutes left we did some cadence exercises.

End in COT

Some work then some more work

Location: MoCo
Date: 2024-09-14
Weather: 65

Q: Golden Shower
PAX: 3 – Golden Shower, Tonka, Gwazi

Static stretches

Tha Thang
One minute of work, rotate to next station, repeat until 2 reps done, then cardio.

1- Curls, big boys, SSH, Bernie
2- Coupon chest press, Flutter Kicks, step ups, bear crawl/crawl bear
3- Coupon overhead press, plank, High knees, mosey/jailbreak


End in COT

Heavy ruck

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2024-09-13
Weather: 65 and cloudy

Q: Cowbell
PAX: 7 – Cowbell, Bootlegger, Muck, Buzz Kill, Flu Shot, Golden Shower, Oshag


Tha Thang
Rucked around the Arboretum trail while taking turns carrying 45lb dumbbell. Stopped three times for PT: (1) 20 ruck swings and 20 mercans without ruck; (2) 20 squats and 10 mercans with ruck; and (3) 10 burpees without ruck.
We did 6 more burpees at the parking lot for the three runners who gave us a “good morning”. We also did a couple rounds of core stuff until time ran out.

End in COT

Like a PE Teacher

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-09-12
Weather: 60 and B E A utiful

Q: Axeman
PAX: 10 – Hoser, Sous Vide, Ollie, Steve-O, El Baño, Bubbles, LeBron, Princess Peach, Circle K, Axeman

Michael Phelps, SSH’s and various dynos were performed.

Tha Thang
Pax completed 2 minutes of each exercise working on form and eccentric instead of concentric contractions of the muscles involved. After every cycle of upper, lower and core one lap around the lot was run. YHC is on the DL so he felt like a PE teacher telling the class what to do without having to perform the excercise. The workout consisted of:
Block over burpees
Overhead press
American Hammers
Bonnie Blairs
Burpees (instead of 8 count body crushers)
A great time was had by all.

End in COT

Cardio Day

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2024-09-11
Weather: Perfect

Q: Buzz Kill
PAX: 4 – Buzz Kill, Steve-O, Sous Vide, El Baño

SSH, high knees, butt kickers

Tha Thang
Mosey to the CBH parking garage. Climb 10 flights.

Sort of did 7s.

35 SSH
run down 1 flight
Back up the ramps

30 SSH
run down 2 flights
Back up the ramps


Q got through 6 rounds I think and then met the group on the way back up the ramps. We took the elevator down and moseyed back to parking lot.

2 minute low plank.

End in COT

Just fillin in

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-09-07
Weather: Absolutely perfect

Q: Oshag
PAX: 8 – Oshag, Subject Matter, Incognito, Muck, Swift, Boxcar, Hoser, Axeman

Dynos and moving coupons to the basketball court and a mosey to the pull-up shelter.

Tha Thang
Pull-up shelter:
10 rounds of EMOM – 3-5 Pull-ups, run to a spot in the parking lot

Mosey to basketball courts

Basketball – 4×4 with a 15 second shot clock – bad guys took a 6-0 lead

EMOM continues:
Celebration with curls – 6 rounds

Basketball round 2 – good guys tied it up 6-6

15 chest press, 20 American Hammers, 10 weighted squats, run

Basketball round 3 – goods guys took and kept the lead

End in COT

Running Up That Hill

Location: Black Ops
Date: 2024-09-07
Weather: Brisk and Beautiful

Q: Stache,Flu Shot,Firefly,The Cheat
PAX: 1 – Stache

Stretch it out
– SSH (Side Straddle Hops) – Jumping Jacks x 10
– Merkins x 10
– Superman / Banana x 10 (from P90X) called by Q

Tha Thang
Box of Chocolates – you never know what you’re going to get. Created a spinner for reps and exercises. Took turns spinning the wheel, did three rounds for a total of 12ish exercises.
Reps varied from 10-50
Exercises included the following:
Bonnie Blairs
Box Jumps
Chest Press
Farmer Carry (for a 1/3 mile!)
Goblet Squats
Kettle bells
Leg lifts
Run down/up hill and back – saw a cat
Tricep Extensions

Ab Roundup for Cooldown
– Box Cutters x10
– Penguins x 10
– Side Plank Leg Lifts x 10

End in COT

Kalsu and Back Again– IPC 2024 Week 0

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-09-05
Weather: Wish they could all be as good as this one.

Q: Muck
PAX: 10 – Bettis, The Whale, Steve-O, Muck, Flu Shot, Circle K, Cowbell, Baby Driver, Hoser, Ollie

– Michael Phelps
– Willie Mays Hayes (switch)
– Quad pulls (OYO)
– Twisty Magoos
– Air guitars (switch)

Tha Thang
Complete the workout for time

400 meter parking lot loop
Coupon is needed for this workout
EMOM timer set for 1 minute

The Thang:
Kalsu – 100 thrusters
Start the 1-minute EMOM timer
Perform 5 burpees
As soon as you finish the burpees, start doing thrusters.
When the timer goes off, do 5 burpees
Keep repeating this until you finish 100 thrusters.

After 100 thrusters, run 400 meters

Reverse Kalsu – 100 burpees
Start your 100 burpees as soon as you get back. Every time the EMOM timer sounds, do 5 Thrusters. Perform burpees in between until you get to 100 burpees.
Workout ends after your 100 burpees.
Record your total time

– 100 goblet squats, 100 air squats, other squat variation
– 50 of a squat and 50 OH press

Flying Squirrels, Merkins

Also participating was HGTV (DR) and Fifty Shades (not listed in Slack yet).

Great job with Week 0 pax! Be sure to enter your time here:

End in COT

IPC Week 0 Prep

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2024-09-03
Weather: 60s

Q: Manchild
PAX: 5 – Manchild, Doc Holiday, Quick Match, Bootlegger, Sour Mash

Two minutes OYO

Tha Thang
Pax did prep work for the IPC week 0 workout. Exercises included mountain climbers, merkins, overhead press, and squats with emom exercises. There was a half mile run in between. Pax finished with a circle of Abs.

End in COT


Location: Sherwood
Date: 2024-09-04
Weather: Crisp 60°

Q: Steve-O
PAX: 8 – The Whale, Splitter, Sous Vide, Flu Shot, Cowbell, Oshag, Buzz Kill, Steve-O

Mobilities then some static stretching

Tha Thang
Run the loop 2.2ish miles @ 8:10 pace
Recover at AO
3 Rounds of Plyometrics (Smurf jacks, 4 Corner Hops, Bonnie Blairs, Plank Jacks)
Leg raises, blast offs. Peter Parker’s and South Cary, NC Snow Angels courtesy of DR PAX HGTV who was not in the system to include on the beatdown

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-09-03
Weather: Awsome

Q: Hoser
PAX: 8 – Buzz Kill, LeBron, Axeman, Sous Vide, Incognito, Muck, Circle K, Cowbell

Arm circles, Break the chain, Overhead triceps stretch, Bend and Hang, Downward dog, runners stretch, side straddle hops

Tha Thang
Mobile Coupon stations – 25 to 30 reps
r1 – Shoulder press
r2 – Bicpoes curl
r3 – Chest press + Big boy sit up
r4 – Bent over row

On completion of a round pax traveled with coupons on the top tier
25 step farmers carry left
25 steps farmers carry right
25 steps rifle carry
then …
Run a lap down to the bottom tier and returned to the covered area
r1 – Bulgarian squats (12 per side)
r2 – Dip (20-25)
r3 – Wall sit with arm raise (20 – 25)
r4 – Decline or incline merkins (25 – 30)

Find your coupon for the next round

Repeato when 4 rounds completed

End in COT

Summer Fitness Test

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-08-31
Weather: Perfect

Q: Oshag
PAX: 7 – Oshag, LeBron, Incognito, Radio, Dr. Quinn, Subject Matter, Muck

Transporting coupons to the basketball court and then dynos on the court.

Tha Thang
Fitness Test v.3.0
Because of the destruction of the tennis courts, this Fitness Test had to be adjusted — AGAIN. No worries, I might like this version the best. The run was changed due to the absence of tennis courts to running up the hill to the concession stand and tapping the corner pillar. The guys seemed to really like the change.

6 Rounds with a run after each round:
Rd 1 – 20 Blockovers
Rd 2 – 20 Burpees
Rd 3 – 40 Curls
Rd 4 – 40 Squats
Rd 5 – 20 Big Boys
Rd 6 – 40 Side Straddle Hops

After a sufficient rest, the cones were set up for the everyone’s favorite, The Beep Test. Cones set at 15 paces apart. Dr. Quinn, Radio, Lebron, and Incog killed it. Results have been posted on the Fitness Test spreadsheet.

End in COT

Showcase knows what a 45 is

Location: Black Ops
Date: 2024-08-31
Weather: Not bad, warm

Q: Flu Shot
PAX: 4 – Flu Shot, The Cheat, Showcase Showdown, Chewbacca

Stretched, carried coupons to b-ball court

Tha Thang
Coupon work in one corner, bodyweight in opposite corner. Coupon work was Bolt 45, Colt 45, Sholt 45, and Molt 45 (admittedly non-coupon, but instead STMs, HRMs and Perfect Merkins). Bodyweight was plank jacks, People’s Air Presses, something else, and Freddy Mercuries. Transits bt corners included bear crawl, crawl bear, walking Frankenstein, lunges, rev lunges, broad jumps, side shuffle, and Karaoke. Took coupons back to start, added few rounds of Mary: boxcutters, LBCs, something else.
2ndF discussed upcoming events of Ultimate and 9/11 stairclimb and hangout.
3rdF talked about John study, and prayer requests.
End in COT

End in COT

Going Bowling

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2024-08-30
Weather: Blue Morning, Blue Day

Q: Muck
PAX: 4 – Muck, Cowbell, Showcase Showdown, Buzz Kill


Tha Thang
To inaugurate the upcoming football season, we re-lived some UK Football Bowl games of the past. We all know the UK Wildcat mascot does push-ups (mercans) for every point scored, so who better to have on hand than a former Wildcat mascot, Showcase Showdown!

We rucked to the stadium and did PT at every corner. The number of reps was the amount of points scored in the latest UK Bowl games.
1st corner- Mercans
2nd corner- Ruck swings
3rd corner- Squats
4th corner- Curls

2023- UK lost to Clemson in the Gator Bowl, 38-35. We did 35 mercans.

2022- UK lost to Iowa in the Music City Bowl, 21-0. We did 0 ruck swings.

2021- UK won against Iowa in the Citrus Bowl, 20-17. We did 20 squats.

2020- UK beat NC State in the Gator Bowl, 23-21. We did 23 curls.

2019- UK beat Virginia Tech in the Belk Bowl, 37-30. We did 37 mercans.

2018- UK won against Penn State in the Citrus Bowl, 27-24. We did 27 ruck swings.

2017- UK lost to Northwestern in the Music City Bowl, 24-23. We did 23 squats.

2016- UK lost to Georgia Tech in the TaxSlayer Bowl, 33-18. We did 18 Curls.

2010- UK lost to Pittsburgh in the Compass Bowl, 27-10. We did 10 mercans.

Just had time enough to ruck back to the parking lot and finish with four minutes of pax choice Mary. Go Csts!

End in COT

No Dice

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2024-08-29
Weather: 70s

Q: Bootlegger
PAX: 4 – Bootlegger, Quick Match, Doc Holiday, Manchild

Light jog and stretches

Tha Thang
Pax partnered up and completed 100 man-makers with coupon. While one pax worked on total reps, the other ran up the stadium stairs to the top and did three burpees. After 100 were complete, pax ran 1/2 mile together. Pax then completed 200 coupon OH presses. While one pax worked on total reps, the other ran 50m and did five donkey kicks. Pax finished with a circle of abs.

End in COT

Only the Most Handsome PAX Allowed

Location: Sherwood
Date: 2024-08-28
Weather: Humid

Q: Steve-O
PAX: 4 – Steve-O, El Baño, Bootlegger, Cowbell

Side straddle hops
Seal claps
Full body static stretches and mobilities

Tha Thang
.5, 1, 1.5, 2 Dora
50 Burpees – far end 10 Gas Pumpers
100 Merkins – 10 hip rock and raise
150 Squats – 10 Scissor Kicks (2=1)
200 Merkins (Steve-O did some “girl merkins” but they count) – 10 Dead Bugs

15 minutes of merry

End in COT

When in doubt, lunge it out

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-08-27
Weather: Lunge-tastic

Q: Splitter
PAX: 12 – LeBron, Flu Shot, El Baño, Oshag, Tiny Dancer, Steve-O, Princess Peach, Bubbles, Circle K, Muck, Hoser, Splitter

Misc static and dynamic stuff

Tha Thang
Grab a coupon and mosey to football field.
Starting at the goal line and holding the coupon, do 10 walking lunges. Put the coupon down and do 10 block over burpees. Run and touch the goal line, returning to your coupon. Pick it up and do 10 more lunges. (Rinse and repeat, consistently getting farther away from the start). Timer = 20 mins

Mosey back to flag. Line up for 11’s.
Movements = Carolina Dry Docks and Side Straddle Hops

End in COT

The Giving Tree

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-08-26
Weather: Awsome. Seriously, this is the best

Q: Hoser
PAX: 6 – Sous Vide, LeBron, Golden Shower, Muck, Cowbell, Circle K

Pax grunted hello to each other and sort of stretched lower limb parts.

Tha Thang
Rucked the Gridlock loop stopping for 5, 10 15 (Merkin, LBCs, and squats) when benches appeared

End in COT

Keep It Simple

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2024-08-26
Weather: Clear and 60 Degrees

Q: Doc Holiday
PAX: 6 – Doc Holiday, Lifetime, Manchild, Bootlegger, Sour Mash, Catnap

On your own

Tha Thang
1/4 mile mosey
100 Coupon Bent Rows
1/4 mile mosey
90 Air Squats
1/4 mile mosey
80 Merkins
1/4 mile mosey
70 LBCs
1/4 mile mosey
60 Coupon Bent Rows
1/4 mile mosey
50 Air Squats
1/4 mile mosey
40 Merkins

All PAX wore ruck or plate carrier.

End in COT

Two-Mile Ruck 300

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-08-23
Weather: 67

Q: Bootlegger
PAX: 12 – Bootlegger, Cowbell, El Baño, Steve-O, Muck, Oshag, Buzz Kill, Chum (DR), Swift, Chewbacca, Tiny Dancer, Santa’s Little Helper


Tha Thang
Pax rucked the two mile loop stopping five times for exercises. Pax completed 300 total reps of merkins, side straddle hops, squats, overhead press, and blast offs.

End in COT

Need gloves. That’s all I know

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-08-24
Weather: Beautiful morning

Q: Hoser
PAX: 10 – Cowbell, No Mas, Subject Matter, Muck, Corn Dog, Oshag, Dr. Quinn, Incognito, The Whale, Radio

Arm circles
Break chain
Overhead stretch left and right
Overhead tri left and right
Bend and hang
Downward dog
Runners stretch
Quad pull

Tha Thang
Pax traveled long way to pull up pagoda

5 pull-ups
10 Merkins
15 squats
Run 400 meters
20 Big boy sit-ups

Rinse and repeat X3

5 pull-ups
10 Merkins
8 per side Split squats
Run 400 meters
20 Big boy sit-ups

Rinse and repeat X2

5 pull-ups
10 Merkins
8 per side Split squats
Move a pagoda table with a partner
Run 400 meters
20 Big boy sit-ups

Move tables back

Travel back to AO and every 20 steps pax did 10 overhead claps for 10 steps all the way home.

Hold plank while reviewing principles of F3

End in COT


Location: Black Ops
Date: 2024-08-24
Weather: Plum delightful

Q: Flu Shot
PAX: 5 – Flu Shot, Showcase Showdown, Bettis, Pigskin, The Cheat

Stretched, Frankensteins IC, carried coupons to b-ball court

Tha Thang
Pax completed 2 sets of 11s as follows:
Set 1: cleans and Tony Delks, transit back and forth by walking lunge and rev lunges
Set 2: curls and HRMs, transit by Karaoke and/or side shuffle
Also completed one set of celebrations, then carried coupons back to start.
Pax completed SSH merry-go-round at shelter, as well as Mary exercises of Boxcutters, LBCs, SSH, and Merkins.
2ndF discussed upcoming 9/11 memorial stair climb, and hang out after.
3rdF talked about John 3 and 4, how we have to keep striving to understand and follow Jesus, even if His words seem difficult or different from what we’ve understood previously.
Bettis prayed us out.

End in COT

1.5 mile run with two steps

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2024-08-22
Weather: 58

Q: Bootlegger
PAX: 4 – Bootlegger, Lifetime, Sour Mash, Manchild


Tha Thang
Pax ran to jungle gym for a partner dora. While one pax ran to the pull-up bar for five pull-up reps the other pax worked on the following: 100 squat thrusters, 200 merkins, 300 RFESS, and 400 flutter-kicks. Pax continued the run to the brick wall and completed 30 merkins and 30 donkey kicks. Pax finished by running back the start.

End in COT

Weekday at Bernie’s aka leg day

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-08-22
Weather: Cold

Q: Buzz Kill
PAX: 12 – Buzz Kill, Steve-O, Sous Vide, Oshag, Incognito, Circle K, Chum (DR), El Baño, Deacon Blues, LeBron, Muck, Hoser


Tha Thang
Mosey to the big hill

5 trips down hill
5 no surrenders and 5 Catalina wine mixers each trip.
Bernie up

Mosey to football hill
Repeato with double wide merkins and jump squats

Mosey to basketball courts
Celebrations of Bernie. End with a bear crawl Bernie-cide

Back to flag


End in COT

The Longest Mile

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-08-20
Weather: 59 and perfect

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 15 – Sous Vide, Zebra, Hoser, LeBron, Deacon Blues, Axeman, Bootlegger, Buzz Kill, Muck, Circle K, Steve-O, El Baño, Oshag, Chum (DR), Incognito

Dynamic stuff

Tha Thang
10 burpees then sprint 100yds. 10 mercans sprint 100yds. 10 squats sprint 100yds 10 big boys sprint 100yds. Do four rounds in under 20 minutes. Walk to shelter. Complete three rounds of 20 dips and 10 donkey kicks. Walk back to flag and complete a round of Mary.

End in COT