Boo Boo almost didn’t make it!

Location: Paddock
Date: 2021-01-06
Weather: Cold

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 4 – Boo Boo, Weird Science, Mister Slate, Duggar

Ran around parking lot to get warm.
Toe touches, left, right, and center.
Plank with calf stretch
Arm circles
Michael Phelps

Tha Thang
Mosey to the bottom of the big hill and do 20 curls with rucks. Rucks were put down and PAX ran to top of the hill and did 20 merkins and back to the bottom.

This was repeated with 20 overhead presses at the bottom and 20 merkins at the top and a third time with 20 tricep extensions at the bottom and 20 merkins at the top.

Rucked for the remaining time.

Prayed for family members who are dealing with health problems and family members moving.

End in COT