Bridge Freezes Before Road!

Date: 11/15/18

Location: Gridlock

Time: 5:30-6:15

Weather: 35 deg and rainy. It had been raining all night, the ground was soaked and just starting to get icy.

Q: Lincoln Log

Pax: Just Lincoln Log and OG

It was a battle getting to the AO. Not knowing who may post, we made it a point to be there. OG had down power lines on his journey to Gridlock and YHC was struggling with the loss of power at home. But we prevailed and made it out.

After the shenanigans on Tuesday, rolling around on the ground in frigid waters, it was my turn to Q and we were NOT getting soaked again. So, across the street and to the small shelter we went. There were several deep puddles and basically a river of water flowing down the path on our way, so dry shoes were no longer an option.

Pull-ups were on the docket and unfortunately the small shelter utilized a steel framed structure which afforded no opportunity to pull up. So, we ventured back out into the rain in search of a nearby wood truss shelter, which was across the stream by the playground. On the way we approached the small footbridge and YHC shouted out a cautionary, “Be careful, bridges freeze before roads!”. This was not a false statement, the steel grated walkway was completely covered in ice, and we skated our way across, narrowly escaping certain death.

Once we got to the shelter, we noted that it was much bigger than the other shelters we had used at Gridlock. It could easily protect a full Saturday group with room to spare. We moved the tables to the sides and began.

Warm Up:

OYO stretches to loosen up the arms and legs.



20 Rounds of

5 Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Squats

After every 5th round we did suicides down the length of the shelter; to halfway, full, and then half again.

We finished in record time and moseyed back to our cars.


We reconvened over coffee at North Lime after.