Location: Gridlock
Date: 2024-06-01
Weather: Cool spring morning with no rain
Q: Hoser
PAX: 13 – Zebra, Sous Vide, Hoser, Radio, Incognito, Corn Dog, Bon Temps, Bettis, Axeman, Chewbacca, Muck, Baby Driver, Flu Shot
Arm stretches
Side-straddle hops
Runners stretch
Dyno glute
Tha Thang
PAX ran to the tee of Hole #1 of the Shilto disc golf course. Q provided 1 coupon, 1 disc, and exercise cards to groups of 3 PAX members.
1 person per group carried a coupon to the basket of hole #1 while the remaining PAX jogged around them (“Oshag Shuffle”). The person who carried walked off 10 paces from the basket and began 20 Monkey Humpers. The 2 people who did not carry moved from the basket to their group by Welsh Dragons or Murder Bunny.
Hole #1 was sponsored by “Always Outside” – 20 Curls, 10 per side Nolan Ryan, 20 Jump lunge (1 is 1)
Each group member puts to the basket – 5 burpees penely for the whole group when missed.
Repeat the transport process to Hole #2
Hole #2 was sponsored by “Free of Charge” – 20 Shoulder presses, 20 squats, 20 Big boy sit-ups
Each group member puts to the basket – 5 burpees penely for the whole group when missed.
Repeat the transport process to Hole #3
Hole #3 was sponsored by “Open to all men” – 20 rows, 10 per side single leg hip hinge, 10 per side single leg lift
Each group member puts to the basket – 5 burpees penely for the whole group when missed.
Repeat the transport process to Hole #4
Hole #4 was sponsored by “Peer-led rotating fashion” – 15 dips, 15 dead bugs, 20 Mt climbers
Each group member puts to the basket – 5 burpees penely for the whole group when missed.
Repeat the transport process to Hole #5
Hole #5 was sponsored by “Ends in Circle of Trust” – 20 Curls, 10 per side Nolan Ryan, 20 Jump lunges (1 is 1)
Each group member puts to the basket – 5 burpees penely for the whole group when missed.
Drop coupons and stuff at the car and run back to AO
End in COT