Cindybatta for 11 PAX


Location: Gridlock
Date: 06-27-2019
Time: 05:30 am
Weather: 70 and humid

Q: Zebra
PAX: 11 – Incognito, Lincoln Log, Radio, Miyagi, Lansbury, Ollie, Oshag, Liberace, Zebra, Anklet, Sous Vide

First off, we had 11 PAX on a Thursday morning! We also have two young men that made their last appearance for a while before heading off to West Point, Liberace and Miyagi!

We started with some basic stretching
Knee Pulls OYO
Arm stretches and Michael Phelps OYO
Downward dog calf stretching OYO
Frankensteins IC

Then we hit the road for ~.5 mile mosey to the picnic shelter, which can mean only one thing…

Tha Thang
Today’s Thang was the Cindybatta. Everything was done in 4 minute rotations. 4 minutes of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats) as many reps as you can for the 4 minutes. Then 4 minutes of Tabatta – 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest.

Round 1: Cindy for 4 minutes
Tabatta 1: Mountain Climbers (Sous Vides)
Round 2: Cindy for 4 minutes
Tabatta 2: Reverse Lunges
Round 3: Cindy for 4 minutes
Tabatta 3: Calf Raises

To finish Zebra asked all to complete one more rep through Cindy, 5 – 10 – 15
Then we ran ~.5 miles on the scenic route back to the AO.

Liberace and Miyagi, we are proud of you men. We look forward to seeing you when you’re back in town!

Incog, thanks for Coffee again!

End in COT