Gwazis favorite number beatdown

Location: MoCo
Date: 2024-06-15
Weather: 68 and sunshine

Q: Golden Shower
PAX: 3 – Golden Shower, Gwazi , Tonka


Tha Thang
4 sets of 12 minutes of 10 reps of sets of exercises. Repeato til timer, then lap around AO.

Set 1-
Step jacks
Side leg raises
Side jacks
Raised arm rotation

Set 2-
Twinkle Toes
Forward bents
Leg Swings
Hip rotations

Set 3-
Shoulder taps
Side shoulder taps
Little circles
Seal claps
Overhead press
Big circles

Set 4-
Flutter Kicks
Leg raises
Leg scissors
Leg circles
Freddy mercury
Windshield wipers

End in COT