
Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-03-07
Weather: A cool 32 to start. No wind. Perfect day for a beat down.

Q: Stapler
PAX: 12 – Stapler, Hertz, Kisses, Hanz&Franz, Muck, Lansbury, Oshag, Sous Vide, 49er, Axeman, Incognito, Raquel

Mosey to football fields to grab coupons and meet at the bbal courts for quick rounds of arm circles F/B, Micheal Phelps, knee pulls, quad pulls, jogging in place

Tha Thang
All Pax spaced out into a 6x6ish area to form their cell with the goal of all exercises to be done inside that area.

  • Press jacks/Plank jacks 3 rounds of 10 each
  • Caterpillar planks in cadence – hold squat, caterpillar out to plank hold, push up and back to squat hold. Repeat 10 times
  • Lunge, squat, lunge – forward lunge hold, squat old, reverse lunge hold. 5 times right leg/5 times right
  • Windshield wipers with coupon 45 seconds
  • Skaters high knees 1 min
  • 10 Incline/flat/decline merkins (10)mountain climbers(10) in between
  • Squat press coupon in cadence 10

Quick intermission to talk about the hell of isolation in our community. A challenge to outreach those who are confined and sheltered and help be a life line.

  • Coupon lifted leg raises/presses/flutter kicks/presses/box cutters -10 each count 2 as 1 for legs
  • Side lunge jump shots – 2 rounds of 10
  • Coupon curls – 3 sets of 10
  • V up sit-ups with coupon – that was hard
  • 10 Side straddle hops/15 seal claps -2 rounds
  • Skater lunges
  • Double jab/crosses with a sprawl – 5 times in a right handed stance 5 times lefty
  • escape the cell for 2 laps mosey around the Bball court and one jailbreak lap
  • return the coupons and mosey back to the parking lot for COT

Finished with a quick message about our influence as men and how we use that influence in our day to day lives. Do we pull others up or push them down. Challenge to think about it daily and find ways to pull those around us up.

Prayers for incognito’s father as he recovers this week.

End in COT