Is that Peekcachu??? Quick chase him down

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-04-22
Weather: Cold…why is it so cold still

Q: Whitewall
PAX: 6 – Duggar, Triceratops, Whitewall, Lansbury, Bagman, Genesis

Grass Grabbers
Some quad and hammy stretches then off for the run

Tha Thang
YHC, Duggar and Triceratops were in person…socially distant of course with Lansbury, Bagman and Genesis joining on Zoom phone call. As got set to take off, we were approached by a van. Now in times like these this would most likely be a watchman sent by Beshear himself to make sure there is a minimum of 6 ft between all KY citizens. You would think?? But instead this gentleman stopped to say “I’m not being weird….I’m just out here looking for Pokémon” agreed not weird in the slightest. Carry on middle aged man that looks like he should be on a Harley and not in a minivan out at 5:30 am searching for Pokémon. My guess is Kentuckys cash crop has something to do with this scenario….but getting back on track!

Workout is a simple one YHC uses often especially when using Zoom. 2 minutes of running then stop for the following work:

20 merkins
30 Big Boys
20 Bobby Hurleys
30 LBCs
30 Air Squats
10 Burpees
20 merkins
30 Big Boys
50 air squats
50 LBCs
10 burpees

Very likely I missed some work out of this backblast but lack of a weinke and most of my focus going to the van that seemingly followed us most the way thru this 2.5ish mile run. It was interesting as Paddock usually is. To each their own but this man was making sure to stay socially distant from….everybody

End in COT