Just Ruck Baby

Location: ao_gridlock
Date: 2024-09-23
Weather: Beautifully muggy

Q: Oshag
PAX: 7 – Buzz Kill, Sous Vide, Deacon Blues, Circle K, Hoser, Muck, Oshag

Dynos and a ruck to the pull-up shelter

Tha Thang
Ruck to the pull-up shelter for an arm burnout:
Interval was 3:30
Exercises: Pull/Chin-ups, Merkins, Ruck Curls, Dips
Reps: PAX choice – work to failure on one exercise and then change
Repeato until the timer signal
Repeato one more time

Ruck to the basketball courts
Ruck Celebrations – 3:00 timer, 20 seconds rest
Rd 1 – Celebration with ruck, once that Celebration is complete, drop the ruck and complete a normal Celebration, alternate back to Celebration with ruck until the timer signal
Rd 2 – Rifle Carry Ruck Celebration for the full timer – if you have to put the ruck down, you stop moving
Rd 3 – Repeato Round 1

We renamed the new Cousin Eddie to Loose Change. Welcome, Loose Change.

End in COT