GRIDLOCK [Lexington, KY: 3307 Brunswick Rd. Lexington, KY 40503]
Day: Monday
Time: 05:30 AM- 06:15 AM
Type: Ruck
Day(s): Tuesday & Thursday
Time: 05:30 AM- 06:15 AM
Type: Bootcamp
Day: Saturday
Time: 07:00 AM- 08:00 AM
Type: Bootcamp
Notes: To get to the AO: Turn from W. Reynolds Rd. onto Shillito Park Rd. Then turn right onto Brunswick Rd. The AO is located just past the tennis and basketball courts in the parking lot for the baseball fields.
*Check the Calendar for up-to-date AO information.
SHERWOOD [Lexington, KY: UK Arboretum, Side Parking Lot]
Day: Wednesday
Time: 05:30 AM- 06:15 AM
Type:Â Wild Card
Day: Friday
Time: 05:30 AM- 06:15 AM
Type:Â Ruck
Notes:Â AO is located at the UK Arboretum. Parking is not permitted in the Arboretum at this hour, so park in this side lot, off of Commonwealth St. This is a Wild Card AO. Some Q’s we Ruck, some we Bootcamp, & occasionally we run.
*Check the Calendar for up-to-date AO information.

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