Location: Paddock
Date: 5/3/2019
Time: 5:30am-6:15am
Weather: 66ish NOT RAINING AT ALL
PAX: Sandman, Whitewall, Triceratops, Fragile, and Duggar
Q: Duggar
Disclaimer: I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professionalI DIDN’T EVEN GET THERE ON TIME. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk. You are best able to determine your abilities and should modify the workout as needed to suit your own needs. Stay safe and be alert.
OYO Warm up as we talked about why the Q was 2 minutes late. You see, when Tri and I left the house it was raining like cats and dogs (weather app said 95% chance of rain from 5-6). So, we called an audible and went to Walmart to buy a deck of cards. When we got to the Paddock there was not a drop of rain in the sky and stayed that way the entire WO.
After stretching we warmed up a little more with a Burpee Apocalypse
The thing 1
Deck of Death
Each Pax pick an exercise
Tri- Dimond’s = BBS
Sandman- Hears = Bobby Hurley’s
Fragile – Spades = Merkins
WhiteWall- Clubs = Triceps dips
A = sprints down the hill and back up
5’s = 5 partner Burpees (Picked up from Oshags Q on Saturday) Squat Jack-squat-plank position- clap alternating hands with partner-merkin- up = 1
Joker = 5 pull ups