Old Glory Appears on the Horizon

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-11-02
Weather: 28 degrees and clear

Q: Muck
PAX: 13 – Ping, Possum, Boo Boo, Purple Rain, Mister Slate, Pom Pom, Sous Vide, Zebra, Toto, Oshag, Wally World, Muck, Santa’s Little Helper

– Runners stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)

Let’s roll!!!

Tha Thang
2.4 mile loop around Gridlock.

Six exercise stations:
1. 20 squats, 20 mercans
2. 20 squats, 20 hillbillies
3. 20 squats, 10 no surrenders
4. 20 squats, 20 Imperial walkers
5. 20 squats, 20 mercans
6. 20 squats, 20 Incline mercans

Suggested discussion subjects with your buddy:
• What you’ve learned in 2020
• Where and how you grew up
• Favorite movie
• If you could choose another occupation, what would it he?
• Favorite food
• Why you love F3

Halfway through, some Pax were thinking about the bone chilling cold and wondering if it was all worth it. Then suddenly, upon the horizon, coming up out of the mist, we see Old Glory. It was as if scripted from a movie. Oshag and Santa’s Little Helper brought the inspiration we all needed to persevere.

Prayed for the upcoming election and asked our Father to for order and peace.

End in COT