Quarantine Cooper

Location: Q Stream Virtual AO
Date: 2020-04-30

Q: Lincoln Log
PAX: 5 – Lincoln Log, Genesis, Bagman, Muck, Zebra

Leg Swings
Michael Phelps
Abe Vigodas
Copperhead Squats
Grass Grabbers
Imperial Walkers
High Knees & Butt Kickers

5 Weighted Squats
PAX were encouraged to grab some weight. YHC instructed to squat down for a 5 sec count, then back up. Repeat for 4 sec count, then 3, 2 and finally 1 sec.

Tha Thang
Quarantine Cooper
Similar to a Sheldon Cooper, but without the running.

Sets of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of:

After each set, PAX performed lateral touches for 30 sec, then SSH for 30 sec. After the 6-5-4-3-2 rounds, this increased to 45 sec each, and then back to 30 sec each for the final round.

5 Weighted Squats
PAX picked their weights back up. YHC instructed to squat down for a 5 sec count, then back up. Repeat for 4 sec count, then 3 sec and 2 sec. For the last one, YHC had the PAX hold the bottom squat position for closer to 10-15 sec before calling up.

End in COT