Red Rover, Red Rover F3 style

Location: Gridlock
Date: 07-09-2019
Time: 05:30 am
Weather: low 70’s and humid, just like every day for the last 10…

Q: Red Flanders
PAX: 8 – Red Flanders, Lansbury, Incognito, Lincoln Log, Sous Vide, Axeman, Reese’s (FNG), Beaker (FNG)

15-SSH (ic)
OYO leg stretches – knee hugs, quad pulls (while doing Name-o-rama)
OYO Michael Phelps and arm stretches
15 Frankensteins (ic)
5 burpees

Tha Thang
Moseyed to the far bottom end of the parking lot near the “no Dumping” sign.

Placed a coupon at the top of the hill near the baseball field foul pole, placed a bag-o-corn at the bottom of the hill.

PAX lined up side by side facing the hill. Began by all together run up the hill for 2 burpees and back down again. Then the first PAX in line headed up the hill alone for 10 incline merkins, 10 bent over coupon rows, and 10 overhead coupon presses. Meanwhile the remaining PAX passed the bag-o-corn back and forth until the first Pax returned to the far end of the line. Then all Pax took a trip up the hill for 2 burpees and the subsequent PAX at the front of the line made the lonely trip up the hill while the Bag-o-corn began its back and forth journey again.

Once all Pax had made the solo run we moved into round two which worked the same way except the individual PAX did 10 (2-is1) coupon lunges, 10 (2-is-1) mountain climbers, and 10 coupon squats at the top of the hill. Meanwhile the bag-o-corn was passed and the corporate journeys up the hill for 2 burpees remained the same.

The Q messed up his own work out by forgetting to enforce the corporate run and burpees between each individual run during the first round. Overall it was a solid WO but made too easy by this “oops”. The second round was much better 🙂 I think I lead this one again to see if I can get it right next time.

We ended by naming the two FNG’s of the morning (welcome!)

End in COT