Ring Around the Mary

Location: Gridlock 
Date: 02/11/2019
Time: 05:30a – 6:15a
Weather: 42 Degrees and Raining

Q: Lincoln Log
PAX: 7 – Count Chocula, Incognito, Lincoln Log, OG, Oshag, Sous Vide and Zebra


Abe Vigodas – 12 IC
Copperhead Squats – 16 IC
SSH – 15 IC



The PAX circled up at 4 stations, with the remaining PAX in the middle of the center. Each station had a different exercise; after completing the reps, the PAX rotated to the next station, including rotating through the middle of the circle for 3 sets of Mary.

Station 1: Deadlifts – Coupon or 20# DB
Station 2: Squats – Coupon or Bodyweight
Station 3: Dumbbell Snatch – 20# DB, alternating arms
Station 4: Step-ups – Coupon or Bodyweight

10 reps were performed at each station. PAX called out DONE at 10 reps, but continued to work at their station until all PAX called out DONE. Then we rotated until all stations were completed by each PAX.

We did this for 3 Rounds. Mary for the 1st round was BBS, 2nd was American Hammers and 3rd was Scissors.

thang 2

merkin farmers

In pairs, we started at the top of the first set of steps:

1 PAX performed 25 reps of Coupon Merkins (any form) while the other did coupons curls until the first was done.
The PAX that did Merkins picked up the coupons for a Farmer’s Carry down to the top of the next set of steps.

This was repeated to the bottom parking terrace and then up the adjacent steps, forming a loop. The loop was done twice total, giving 6 rounds of 25 Merkins each).

We had 7, so the odd PAX out would carry the two 20# dumbbells and curl at each stop. PAX rotated the dumbbells each stop.