Run 4 the Roses

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2021-05-01

Q: Zebra
PAX: 9 – T-Rex (DR), Mississippi (DR), Wally World, Sushi, Animal Style, Sparky, Lansbury, Matlock, Zebra

Michael Phelps
Knee Pulls
Pigeon Pulls
Mountain Climbers
Gorilla Humpers

Tha Thang
Run 4 the Roses
Moseyed around the building, stopping at each corner for a 4 corner escalator
10 burpees
10 burpees, 20 merkins
10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 flutter kicks
10 burpees, 20 merkins, 30 flutter kicks, 40 squats.
Then we went back down the escalator
40 squats, 30 flutter kicks, 20 merkins, 10 burpees
30 flutter kicks, 20 merkins, 10 burpees
20 merkins, 10 burpees
10 burpees

Moseyed to the coupons and selected numbers from a cup. Each number was for a horse running in the KY Derby. Pax chose an exercise, then the odds for the selected horse were provided and we completed that many reps.

Pax lined up for our own race to end the Q…Wally World decided it was time to teach the 2.0 how to lose. It didn’t go well.

Thanks for joining us T-Rex and Mississippi!

Oshag might have beat me to posting his backblast, but this backblast is WAY better than his. Here are 5 reasons why this backblast is better than Oshag’s

  1. Oshag didn’t write this backblast and was not the Q of this beatdown.
  2. This backblast actually tells you what we did in the beatdown.
  3. This backblast has an image.
  4. We did over 100 burpees in this beatdown
  5. Oshag didn’t write this backblast and was not the Q of this beatdown.

End in COT