Running down a dream


When:   5/1/19

Where:   Paddock AO

Pax:   Duggar, Triceratops and White Wall (Q)

After taking in a moment to enjoy the 61 degree morning and giving thanks to not having freezing temps anymore…we went right into a brief warmup.

15 SSH

10 Grass grabbers

A few quick leg stretches then its game on

The Run

Today was simple.  I wanted to pay homage to our brother Incognito after enduring a brutal beatdown several weeks back and do something similar.  The plan with our Wednesday running AO has been to get better and stronger on our running using different methods.  We’ve done a lot of interval training so it’s time to get some distance going again.  But this isn’t Lexington Run Club so….we got some F3 things to do during the run.  In total there was 3 miles of running while stopping every 90 seconds for a rotation of movements then back at it.

Every 90 we would stop and do:

5 burpees then back to running

10 air squats, back at it

15 merkins

15 BBS

Grand total:

3 miles of running

25 burpees

50 air squats

60 merkins

60 BBS

From here we will only get stronger!!