Shelter to the Shathouse

Location: Paddock
Date: 2020-10-14
Weather: 45, clear

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 8 – Boo Boo, Oshag, Sous Vide, Duggar, Whitewall, Zebra, Weird Science, Santa’s Little Helper

Stretching: hanging hamstring; knee crossovers; down dog calf’s; up dogs; arm circles; Michael Phelps.

Tha Thang
At shelter do 10 step ups with ruck on then run to shathouse and do 10 Ruck curls and 10 triceps extensions. Repeat 4x

At shelter do 10 dips with ruck off then run to shathouse and do 10 Ruck or sandbag overhead presses. Repeat 4x

In honor of Linc we were going to do Lincoln Log house push ups (4 man push ups) but we only had 7 humans at the AO. So, we went to option B which was 10 bent over ruck/sb rows then ran the lengthwise distance of the parking lot and did 10 burpees. Repeat 3x

10 Merkins in a 3 count cadence

Ruck last 15+- minutes.

Prayers for peace in our lives and guidance in the decisions we have to make. Prayers for trust and patience.


Check your 6!


End in COT