Showcase knows what a 45 is

Location: Black Ops
Date: 2024-08-31
Weather: Not bad, warm

Q: Flu Shot
PAX: 4 – Flu Shot, The Cheat, Showcase Showdown, Chewbacca

Stretched, carried coupons to b-ball court

Tha Thang
Coupon work in one corner, bodyweight in opposite corner. Coupon work was Bolt 45, Colt 45, Sholt 45, and Molt 45 (admittedly non-coupon, but instead STMs, HRMs and Perfect Merkins). Bodyweight was plank jacks, People’s Air Presses, something else, and Freddy Mercuries. Transits bt corners included bear crawl, crawl bear, walking Frankenstein, lunges, rev lunges, broad jumps, side shuffle, and Karaoke. Took coupons back to start, added few rounds of Mary: boxcutters, LBCs, something else.
2ndF discussed upcoming events of Ultimate and 9/11 stairclimb and hangout.
3rdF talked about John study, and prayer requests.
End in COT

End in COT