Location: Gridlock
Date: 05/20/2019
Time: 05:30AM – 06:15AM
Weather: 60’s
Q: Pinky
PAX: 7 – Duggar, Incognito, Lincoln Log, Oshag (R), Pinky, Sous Vide and Zebra
Fresh off boot-camp, Private 2nd Class Pinkerman was back in town for the first time and he wanted to guest Q. First off – Pinky, we are proud of you! Second – boot-camp clearly served its purpose.
Warm O Rama – Death to your abs
50 LBC’s
50 Heel Touches
25 Straight Leg Situps
25 Rowers
40 American Hammers
15 Eight Count Merkins (Think burpee but 2 merkins)
100 Air Squats
50 Mountain Climbers
HEY PINKY, This is just the warm up!
- Pax moseyed to the shelter for some pull up fun
The Thang:
Pinky wanted to show off his ability to crush us all in Pull ups, so we did a Cindy(ish) Routine
5 Pull Ups
10 Dips
15 Squats
Repeat for 10 rounds – 50 Pull ups, 100 Dips, 150 Squats
Zebra, being the brilliant PAX member he is, asked Pinky to tell us a story about boot-camp. Perhaps he was tired (truth) and annoyed by Pinky making 50 pull ups look easy. As PAX completed their pull up routine, we began to listen to some great first hand accounts from our brother Pinky.
After a short story break, we moseyed back to the parking lot and ended with a mini-burpee apocalypse. 5-4-3-2-1
Incog brought the coffee and cups and we had our first Coffeteria in the AO parking lot