Tabata-bout It

Location: Paddock
Date: 2019-12-11
Weather: 23 degrees—Crisp and Clear.

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 5 – Troll, Whitewall, Lansbury, Boo Boo, Incognito

Run in place | High Knees | Butt Kickers | Mosey around lot | Arm Circles | Grass Grabbers | Copperhead Squats | SSH | OYO Arm Stretches

Tha Thang
8 Set Tabata with 4 Cycles 40 sec cycles per set, 10 sec rests btwn cycles, and 20 sec rests btwn sets (27:40).

Set 1 Pull-ups | Set 5 High Steps
Set 2 Leg Raises. | Set 6 Plank Jack Merkins
Set 3 Shoulder Tap Merkins | Set 7 SSH
Set 4 Street Fighters. | Set 8 Air Squats

Mosey down hill. 560 foot jailbreak up hill.
Mary: 3-minute plank and 20 Flutter Kicks (IC)

Great to see Boo Boo going strong and to welcome Troll to his first F3 workout.

End in COT