This must be the Foxhole (Naive Melody)

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2020-08-01
Weather: 70s and Muggy

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 10 – Lansbury, Mule, Sushi, Ollie, 49er, Zebra, Sparky, TStark, Ricky Bobby, Weird Science

PAX got loose absent gin and juice

Tha Thang
Tabata: 6 exercises, 4 rounds each. 45 seconds of work. 15 seconds rest. 30 seconds rest between exercises.

Mosey to two cone courses chock full of silly exercises.

10 minute EMOM

Talking Heads prevailed with some Pilates movements to strengthen the PAX’s super weak hips and surprisingly vulnerable knees.

Bell Curve Prevailed.

End in COT