Two Examples: How and How Not

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2019-10-07
Time: 05:30 am
Weather: 58 with rain

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 3 – Lansbury, Incognito, Zebra

PAX welcomed unofficial FNG Trash Panda at base.

Mosey up to the shelter for a very OYO warm-up complete with: high knees, butt kickers, arm circles, crossbody and overhead shoulder stretches, line hops, Michael Phelps, leg stretches.

Tha Thang
Three rounds of chest: 5-10-15 reps
Iso Merkin + hold
Lateral walk Merkin
Merkin w/shoulder tap

Three rounds of leg: 10-15-20 reps
Air Squats
Copperhead Squats
Curtsy lunges
Step ups
Wall sit

Two rounds of arms and shoulders (coupons): 10-15 reps
Shoulder shrugs
Overhead press
Bent over row
Seated dips
Overhead clap

1.5 mins of Archuleta’s (20 on, 10 off)
45 seconds of Wall sits
30 Big boy sits ups

End in COT