What’s The Point?

F3 exists to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

The First F forms the foundation of the group. It is what brings in most men, initially. The WO is where we get our first introduction. It is where we suffer in the gloom together and start forming an unbreakable bond. It is where we shed our weakness and develop our strength; together.

The Second F fortifies that bond. It is where we do life together; through the good times and the hard times. We carry each other’s burdens and we lift each other up. We lean into and we show up for one another.

The Third F represents a focus on something greater than the individual. It is a sense of purpose that is outside of oneself. It creates a drive to have an impact on the world.

Healthy, united, selfless men can better serve their community and the people around them. They are capable. They are unified. They are willing.

If you haven’t come to a workout yet, I encourage you to reach out to one of us, or hit the group up at lexingtonky@f3nation.com. Check out our page at f3lexingtonky.com or dig deeper at f3nation.com. Better yet, come to a workout and see what you think. At the very least, you’ll get in some good exercise.

If you have posted before, and you aren’t making an effort to chat it up or meet up with your fellow PAX outside of the WO, then you are missing out on one of the best parts of F3. You can get a workout in wherever. But F3 creates the opportunity to form lifelong friendships with like-minded men. These relationships are sought out, forged through sweat and service, and run deep.

So, men of Lexington, KY, whether you have posted to a WO or if you are still just trying to figure out what F3 is all about… Plug yourself in.