1,000 reps plus a little

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-03-16
Weather: A brisk 28

Q: Quick Match
PAX: 7 – Doc Holiday, Bootlegger, Quick Match, Big E, Beethoven , Sour Mash, Linguine

Arm circles forward and backwards, Michael Phelps, quad stretch’s, squat stretches, a little OYO also.

Tha Thang
10 merkins
50 squats with side leg lift, alt. sides
50 side lunges with knee lift, 25 each side
10 merkins
50 side plank hip lifts, 25 each side
50 side crunches, 25 each side
10 merkins
50 calf raises with coupon
50 sumo squat pulses with coupon
10 merkins
50 bicycle crunches
50 V ups
10 merkins
50 small squat hops forward and back
50 elevated hip/bridge lifts
10 merkins
50 Superman’s hold the last for 5 breaths
50 mountain climbers
10 merkins
50 Laying inner thigh pulses left side
50 Laying inner thigh pulses right side
10 merkins
50 Kneeling side leg lift, 25 each side
50 curtesy lunges, alt. sides
10 merkins
50 second elbow plank
50 second wall sit
10 merkins

PAX got done in time to do a little football sideline to sideline work.

10 merkins one one sideline, run to opposite side line 1 big boy.
Run to opposite sideline for 9 merkins, run to other sideline for 2 big boys.
Run to other sideline for 8 merkins, run to other sideline for 3 big boys.
Continue this until 10 big boys on one sideline and no merkins on the other.

End in COT