“7” square

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-08-03
Weather: 72 and damp

Q: Quick Match
PAX: 3 – Quick Match, Doc Holiday, Bootlegger

Some Yoga stretching and some large muscle group stretches.

Tha Thang
PAX headed to the football field for the beat down. PAX started with 7 burpees in one corner and then jogged the length of the field to the next corner to complete 7 more burpees. PAX sprinted the width of the field for 7 burpees in the next corner and jogged the length of the field to the next corner for 7 burpees. PAX then sprinted the width of the field to complete the first square. This pattern continued with 14 (4 count) flutter kicks in each corner, 21 merkins, 28 air squats, 21 side straddle hops, 14 box cutters and 7 lunges. This was a total of 7 trips around the field, hence the 7 square title.

End in COT