7’s on 7

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-03-07
Weather: extra gloomy

Q: The Janitor
PAX: 14 – Sous Vide, Count Chocula, LeBron, 49er, Axeman, Baby Driver, Incognito, Bettis, Steve-O, Slim Jim, Wally World, Con-Air, The Janitor, Phantom Menace

yoga, ssh, slowwww saturday nights

Tha Thang
pax split in half, group 1 started at bottom of lot, group 2 went up to the coupons to start. Both groups completed 7 reps of each exercise, snaking through the parking lot until meeting in the middle. Group 2 carried coupons with to assist with the exercises. Group 1 did not carry weight, because they had to run uphill. Once we met in the middle everyone partnered up and did 7 block over bropees.

  1. American Hammers
  2. Merkins
  3. Mountain Climbers
  4. Burpees (Man Makers)
  5. V-Ups

Returned coupons after 3 rounds and moseyed back snake-like through the parking lot.

End in COT