A Beautiful Day

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-12-06
Weather: Rain and lightning

Q: Zebra
PAX: 3 – Sous Vide, Possum, Zebra

Not an easy day to roll out of bed when you hear the wind blown rain thrashing against the windows. 3 HIMS persevered to show up today Rain or Shine.

Warm up with arm stretches, Copperhead squats IC, Finkle Swings IC, Grass Grabbers IC

Tha Thang
40 minutes of EMOM with range of reps for pax to modify.
Rotation of Arms/Legs, Core and Cardio including:
Merkins, LBC’s, Line Jumps, Squat Press, American Hammers, Side Straddle Hop, Curls, Superman’s, Jump Rope, Burpees, Heel Touches, High Knees, Lunges, Plank Hold, Flutter Kicks, Pickle Pounders, Skaters, Wall Sits, Freddie Mercury’s and Shoulder Taps

End in COT