100 Reps of Summer

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-06-23
Weather: Mid 70s, balmy yet seasonal

Q: Raquel
PAX: 9 – Bootlegger, Steve-O, Sous Vide, Ollie, Raquel, Axeman, Muck, Slick Willie, Incognito

Jogged up to the football field, grabbed a coupon and headed to the bottom of the scoreboard hill. Mike Phelps, AC, Bend and Hang, Up and Down dog, hands to the sky.

Tha Thang
Summer started Tuesday, so to celebrate the season’s arrival, we partnered up and had a summer themed workout, with a summer themed playlist. 1 partner completed reps, while other moseyed then relieved until rep count was complete:
S – Steve Earles x 100 (partner moseyed up hill, 2
Burpees, moseyed down hill)
U – Upright Rows X 100 (partner moseyed up hill, 2
Catalinas, moseyed down hill)
M – Monkey Humpers x 100 (partner moseyed up hill,
2 Burpees, moseyed down hill)
M – Manatees x 100 (2 is 1) (partner moseyed up hill,
2 Catalinas, moseyed down hill)
E – Elf on the Shelf X 100 (partner moseyed up hill, 2
Burpees, moseyed down hill)
R – Redrum (Murder bunny up – 5 manmakers- rifle
carry down)

Ran low on time, moseyed back to flag.

End in COT

Shake It Off

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-05-05
Weather: Low 50s, Humid and Damp

Q: Raquel
PAX: 11 – Raquel, Geppetto, Sous Vide, Oshag, Muck, Incognito, Steve-O, Showcase Showdown, Axeman, The Janitor, Santa’s Little Helper

Moseyed up to the coupons and headed over to the snack stand at the football field. Michael Phelps, arm stretches, bend and hang, runners stretch side to side. Got our muscles warm to the tune Shake It Off, sung by pop icon and Wally World crush Taylor Swift.

Tha Thang
The name of the game was Isometrics. Each round featured 3 static holds lasting 45 seconds each, with a 15 second period between each hold to “shake it off”. Between rounds pax moseyed 30 yards, did multiple reps of an exercise, then moseyed back for another round. Festivities proceeded as follows:

Low Toes Out Sumo Squat
Coupon bicep hold at 90 degrees
Superman hold
30 yd mosey – 5 burpee- 30 yd mosey

Overhead coupon hold from the people’s chair
Hollow hold
90 degree split squat (45 secs each leg)
30 yd mosey – 5 catalinas – 30 yd mosey

Pushup hold 2 inches off the ground
Glute bridge
Wall sit
30 yd mosey – 10 a rods- 30 yd mosey

Side planks (45 secs each side)
Upright tricep row
Good morning
30 yd mosey – 10 plank Jack’s – 30 yd mosey

Overhead press
One legged calf raise (45 secs each leg)
30 yd mosey – 10 burpees – 30 yd mosey

Low sumo squat
Bicep hold at 90 degrees
Overhead press from the people’s chair
30 yd mosey – 10 catalinas- 30 yd mosey

Returned coupons and moseyed back to the flag.

End in COT

The Story of Sisyphus

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-03-17
Weather: 49 cool and humid

Q: Raquel
PAX: 12 – Wood rider (DR), Geppetto, Axeman, Wally World, Incognito, Sous Vide, The Janitor, Muck, Slick Willie, Bootlegger, Steve-O, Raquel

Mike Phelps, Tricep stretches, arm circles, up and down dog, reach for the sky, bend and hang, grass grabbers. Moseyed to the Coupons and met at the bottom of the far paved hill in the parking lot.

Tha Thang
It’s all about the rock. Q regaled the pax with the Greek myth of Sisyphus. Sisyphus cheated Death twice. As punishment he was condemned to roll a stone up a mountain and upon reaching the summit, the stone rolled back down again. And so on it repeated for all of eternity.

Luckily the Beatdown only lasted 45 minutes, tops. Each pax took a coupon and began at one of 12 staggered stations across the paved hill. Pax were to complete reps and exercise on each card, then dragged the coupon to the next station via a lateral hairburner. Once they reached the summit Pax rifle carried their coupon back to the first station and began again. Pax made it through 18 to 20 stations of the following exercises:

20 superman’s
40 hillbillies
30 coupon curls
30 weighted squats
30 weighted calf raises
30 weighted back lunges
20 coupons to the sky
15 dead bugs
30 lbcs
26 raggedy Ann’s
30 t Jack’s
30 weighted glute bridges
20 overhead presses
20 dips on coupon
30 over the coupon windshield wipers
30 alternating heel touches
20 kick through
30 coupon thrusters
30 chest presses

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-11-04
Weather: A balmy 29 degrees, AKA Steve O shorts weather

Q: Raquel
PAX: 9 – Raquel, Incognito, Zebra, Axeman, Red Flanders, Possum, Steve-O, Sous Vide, Wally World

Mike Phelps
Arm Circles
Arm crossover
Up and down dog, reach for the sky
Grass Grabbers IC x10

Tha Thang
Q DJ’d the beatdown with spooky tunes commemorating the Halloween season. Pax paired up in teams of 2 and brought some coupons down to the flag. Team members alternated: 1 member performed amrap reps until relieved by team member. Other member moseyed 60 yds, performed 1 burpee, moseyed back 60 yards to relieve the other member.

A(rm exercise) – 150 curls
L(eg exercise) – 150 weighted calf raises
A(bs exercise) – 150 2×1 freddie mercury
R(exercise) – 50 rock a bye babies
M(exercise) – 150 mini hair burners

A fun time was had by all…

End in COT

The 5:30 A.L.A.R.M.

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-09-16
Weather: Heavy Fog, Bright Lights, 61 Degrees

Q: Raquel
PAX: 14 – Red Flanders, Raquel, Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Sous Vide, Incognito, Geppetto, Chewbacca, Possum, Nurse Joy, Steve-O, Showcase Showdown, Muck, Axeman

Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, Tri stretch across chest, Tri stretch over head, Bend and Hang, Plank to Down Dog, S’Up Dog, Reach for the Sky on L and R side

Tha Thang
Q kept Burpees to a minimum due to Tuesday’s Burpocalypse. Pax counted off in 1s and 2s to partner up, 1s moseyed up to coupons and carried back to flag, 2s moseyed down to other side of lost and performed 2 Burpees.

Jumped right into the 5:30 A.L.A.R.M. Partners performed reps up to 200 reps total, once all completed, all pax moved on to next exercise. One partner performed reps, other ran 60 yds, performed a single solitary burpee, then returned to take over reps from partner. Partners performed:

A(rms): 200 Curls
L(egs): 200 Weighted Calf Raises
A(bs): 200 Freddie Mercurys (2 is 1)
R (exercise): 200 Rockette Dips
M (exercise): 200 Monkey Humpers

Pax jammed to some upbeat tunes throughout.

End in COT

There Are No Water Breaks in F3: Part Deux

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-06-10
Weather: 70, balmy, humidity at 105% and climbing

Q: Raquel
PAX: 6 – Wally World, Muck, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Possum, Raquel

Michael Phelps
Front and Back Arm Circles
Cross Legs Bend and Hang
Down Dog firebomb to Up Dog
RF RH LF LH reach for the sky
Abe Vigodas x10

Tha Thang
Q remembered to bring both 10 sided fitness die this time. Moseyed up to Coupons, rifle carry coupons back to the flag. Completed 6 rounds total, 3 rounds white, 2 rounds green, 1 power weighted round. Pax who rolled a water break picked 20 weighted exercises. Final Count (estimated):

45 burpee
30 second side plank each side
60 merkins
20 tricep dips
15 Supermans
1 minute al gore X 2
55 Freddie Mercuries
30 Ice Skaters
15 lateral lunges
30 sumo squats
60 american hammers
60 mountain climbers
1 mini loop run
20 coupon rows
40 chest presses with legs elevated
40 coupon curls
20 goblet squats
20 overhead presses

Rifle carried coupons back and moseyed back to the flag.

End in COT

There Are No Water Breaks in F3

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-04-29
Weather: 66, Balmy and Humid

Q: Raquel
PAX: 12 – Lansbury, Muck, Jigsaw, Wally World, Zebra, Incognito, Sous Vide, Possum, Weird Science, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Raquel

Michael Phelps
Arm Circles
Downward Dog, Reach for the Sky, Upward Dog
Bend and Hang

Tha Thang
Pax moseyed to grab rocks or Coupons and rifle carried to the shelter. Q got his tax refund and the $3.96 was burning a hole in his pocket. With his windfall he purchased a 12 sided foam exercise die with exercises and a designated rep count on each side. There was a “Water Break” side, but there are no water breaks in F3, so whoever rolled that square picked 20 reps of a coupon exercise for all to do. Pax got through 2 full rounds of standard rolls, and .5 of a power round with all weighted exercises. Approximate counts wrapped up as follows:

Alternating Lunges x 30 x 3
Burpees X 20 x3
Tricep Dips x 20 x3
Jump Lunges x 15 x 3
Jump Squats x 15 x2
American Hammers x 30 x2
Mountain Climbers x 30
Side Plank :30 per side
Wall Sit for 1:00 x2

40 curls
20 bench presses
20 overhead presses
20 flutter kicks
20 bent over rows
20 squats

Rifle carried weight back to home.

All counts approximate. It was early.

End in COT

The Tombstone Toss

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-10-31
Weather: 35 and frosty (cold enough to freeze your pumpkins off), under a nearly full Halloween Blue Moon

Q: Raquel
PAX: 18 – Lincoln Log, Sous Vide, Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Radio, Muck, Mr. Hand, Hanz&Franz, Hertz, Incognito, Pom Pom, Wally World, Splash Down, Possum, Purple Rain, Raquel, Toto, Pee Wee

Michael Phelps, arm stretch across chest and over the head, up/down dog, runners stretch/reach for the sky, Frankensteins (ICx10-because, Halloween)

Gut Busters: To the tune of Ray Parker Jr’s immortal classic, plank for duration of the Ghostbusters theme, rising for a burpee everytime “Ghostbusters” is said, and plankjacks for the keyboard breaks leading up to “I ain’t afraid of no ghosts”.

Tha Thang
Tombstone Toss: 16 pax split into an Orange Team and a Black Team. Mosey up to the scoreboard where two tombstones (coupons) awaited the teams. Each team alternated through 8 members 2x, heaving the tombstone as far as humanly possible. The team that heaved it the furthest was the winner. Lesson: In the words of the immortal Denzel Washington, always bet on Black.

Trick R Treat: The Thang was left to the winds of fate. Pax lined up with Coupons in front of stands at football field. 2 buckets were passed down the line, one containing 32 numbers 10 to 100 (count by ten), and the other containing 32 exercises. Pax chose one exercise and one number per round. Those without costumes added 10% (told ya it mattered), and losing team of the Toss added an additional 10% to the reps chosen (Ex: 10 could be 11 or 12, 50 could be 55 or 60, etc.).

Exercises and Reps included (estimated but likely incorrect):
Curls (30)
Upright Rows (20)
Manatees (10)
Mountain Climbers (80)
Australian Snow Angels in the frost (90)
Fire Hydrants (20)
Spiderman Merkins (50)
Goblet Squats (70)
Falling Triangles (10)
Alabama Ass Kickers (20)

Moseyed back to the parking lot with 5 left, where the costume wearers got candy, and the wet blankets enjoyed a round of Batwings IC (once again it mattered…get on your Slack people!). Fun was had by all.

End in COT


Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-07-18
Weather: 73 and humid

Q: Raquel
PAX: 5 – Raquel, Double Tree, Muck, Count Chocula, Yanni

Started out with a planking name-o-rama, followed by a runner’s stretch and reach for the sky
10 grass grabbers IC
10 skip jacks IC
Pigeon Pulls on your own
Tricep stretch, Michael Phelps, and Arm Circles while the Q provided a little background about how F3 arrived at his monniker, and setting up the Shawshank Redemption theme of today’s Q

Moseyed to the Shelter for a prison style mini: 4 rounds of :25 work/:15 rest merkins, alternating lunges, and lbc’s. Mosey to the football field.

Tha Thang
7 rounds to develop the skills to break out of Shawshank Prison and “crawl through a river of s*** and come out clean on the other side.” Rounds were the length of a song (approx 3:30). Consisted of 16 reps of coupon strength work, endurance 20 yard mosey between strength and flexibility stations, and 16 counts of flexibility exercise, repeating until end of song.

  1. Cpn overhead flutters-sprint-laying trunk rotation.
  2. Overhead presses-sprint-cobra wings
  3. Tricep rows-sprint-planking shoulder taps
  4. Cpn curls-Bernie-tabletop/glute bridge
  5. Cpn chest press-Bernie-wing chest stretch
  6. Raggedy Ann-karaoke-falling triangle/kickstand
  7. Coupon squats-karaoke-fire hydrants

Mosey to Zihuatanejo for COT

End in COT