Location: Gridlock
Date: 05/11/2019
Time: 7:00 AM
Weather: 50’s – felt really good
Q’s: Sous Vide, Lincoln Log, Oshag, OG, and Incognito
PAX: 22 – Oshag, Ronaldo, Wolverine, Duggar, Triceratops, Kisses, Yanni, Barney Fife, Hertz, Red Flanders, OG, Radio, Biscuit, Stapler, FNG (Ricky Bobby), Zebra, Father Theresa, Lincoln Log, Hairball, and Incognito.
Intro: General disclaimer about not being a professional and a welcome to everyone to our One Year Anniversary!
Did some simple, basic plank holds for about a minute or so.

Warmup: We moseyed over to the basketball courts and after discussing the very first F3 meeting (1/1/2011 in Charlotte) Sous Vide led us through a set of his excellent revue of warmups: SSH’s, Sealjacks, and Scissorjacks; quad, ham and Frankenstein stretches; and then a few other items.
1st Exercise: 21’s ala SSH. Q led the IC count for the first 6 reps and the PAX continued in silence with the goal of ending all simultaneously at 21. We failed the first attempt and had to do 5 burpees – but we made the second!

2nd Exercise: Since this is a big celebration WO we had to listen to Kool and the Gang. Their song celebration was a big hit back in 1980 and it was a big hit today in 2019. We jogged in place during the song dropping down for a burpee at every “Celebrate” or “Celebration” and a hand-release burpee for every “Yahoo!” – the PAX finished by crying for more, but we had to stop at the end of the song in order to move on to our next Circle of Pain.
3rd Exercise: We moseyed over to the field just inside the running track on the far southwest section of the park. HanzandFranz had taken us there on a Q last year to do hand release merkins. That’s what we did today, for two minutes, AMRAP-style. We listened to Elvis Presley’s “I’m All Shook Up” because…because…well…because doesn’t everybody workout to Elvis Presley songs???
Yes, we went over the 5 principles of F3 before doing this exercise.

4th Exercise: We did some crawls in the same spot.
1stcrawl was a Lizard Crawl: only one leg on the ground at any one time, crawling forward.
2nd crawl was a Bear Crawl one way and a Crawl Bear back.
3rd crawl was a forearm, no-knee crawl one way, with a Crabwalk back the other way.
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5th Exercise: We moseyed over to the shelter by the playground. There we discussed the F3 Credo (Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him).
Then we did Cindy (5 pullups, 10 merkins, and 15 squats) to the song Hysteria, that’s a 6 minute song. You rinse and repeat that cycle of exercises as many times as you can. I’m not sure how many cycles I made it through, but Duggar made sure to tell everyone that he managed to do 22! I was amazed, to look at him you wouldn’t think he’d be able to get through even one…
6th Exercise: After moseying to the tennis courts we discussed some of the advantages of backblasts (one being that you can go back in time and look at a WO).
Lincoln Log took over and led a WO we did at the very first meeting of F3 Lexington. Dora 1-2-3 (100 merkins, 200 squats, and 300 LBCs) in partners; one PAX doing the exercise while the other runs out 4 tennis courts, does 2 burpees, and then runs back to switch – for time purposes we cut the reps in half.
7th Exercise: Our next moseying stop was the small tennis courts. We discussed F3’s mission (To plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.)
The we did a mini-deck of death:
Diamonds – Diamond Merkins
Clubs – Jump Squats
Hearts – Suicides
Clubs – Burpees
8th Exercise: Our old starting point was the next stop which was easy to get to because it’s right next to the Small Tennis Courts. We discussed the first F3Lexington meeting (5/12/2018). Then we did the Birthday bash WO that Bourbon (shoutout to F3Toledo!) led us through last year. We went through the months of the year doing the following exercises:
January – Yoda Carry (day of month/10 rounded up)
February – Sprints; (day of month/10 rounded up)
March – Burpees; days = # reps
April – Diamond Merkins; days = # reps
May – Wheelbarrow – (day of month/10 rounded up)
June – Jump Squats; days = # reps
July – Hand-Release Merkins; days = # reps
August – Plank Jack Shoulder Taps; days = # reps
September – Bearcrawl – (day of month/10 rounded up)
October – Merkins; days = # reps
November – Captain Thors (big boy sit-up to American hammer = 1 rep); days = # reps
December – Lieutenant Dans; Lunge & Squat; days = # reps
Had PAX volunteer their birthdate, starting with someone born in Jan all the way up through Dec – total of 12 exercises.
9th Exercise: Moseyed up to the football field and discussed the 3F’s of F3 (Fitness – Faith – Fellowship).
Oshag took over and explained the rules of Ultimate Football, and led us through a quick game.
My team never passed me (Incognito) the ball, and you know what the result of that was – we lost 3-1. I always strive to be an outstanding team player with the greatest sportsmanship of anyone I’ve ever met, but sadly all of my teammates were the exact opposite…and look at the result. If they had just passed me the ball once we could’ve overcome that 2 touchdown deficit. Oh well, fortunately I’m humble enough to not make a big deal (or even a small deal) of such a travesty (you can ask everyone there, I didn’t say a word about it). After all, it’s about having fun and we certainly did that!
10th Exercise: Who led our first Q in F3Lexington that was not from out of town? Louisville and other Willy Loman’s led our first 6 WO’s. But Opera Ghost became the first PAX to do a VQ at WO number 7.
OG took over and led us in one of the Thangs he did that day. Partnered up, one PAX held a plank at the top of the hill behind the bleachers while his partner ran down, did 5 burpees, and ran back up to switch. We had to cut this short as the end of the WO was at hand.
End of the WO: It was 9AM, which means we had been working out for 2 hours. Everyone was just getting warmed up and wanted to do more, but I (Incognito) felt that it was more important to pause and spend some time discussing our great God.
COT: Today’s Bible lesson was on that hero of the OT, King David. King David survived a murderous King Saul chasing him because the Lord was with him. His best friend Jonathan (King Saul’s son of all people) helped David and encouraged his faith to help him survive. King David survived and became King largely because of the special friendship he had with Jonathan.
That’s a good lesson for us and one reason why F3 is valuable to men in our society. F3 helps form those bonds that are as necessary as food and water to our survival.
We also discussed the advantages of being outside and exercise in general as a typical lifestyle today doesn’t give you all of that. Our ancestors did all that naturally as part of their daily lives, but we have to be diligent to make it a priority. I encouraged all men to do so.
Zebra prayed us out.
Later that day we had a great luncheon!
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