11/12/18 – Backblast – Walls of Jericho

Q – Zebra

5 Pax – Zebra, Opera Ghost, Lincoln Log, Oshag, Sous Vide


High Knees OYO

Walking Leg Lifts OYO

Merkins IC (x12)

Flutter Kicks IC (x10)

Hillbillies IC (x20)

SSH IC (x20)

The Thang

Just like the Israelites marched around Jericho 7 times, we ran the loop of the parking lot (absent a large building to run) as a group. With each lap, we stopped and completed 7 exercises OYO as following:

Merkins, Squats (holding weight of choice), Walk Outs, Jump Tucks, Curls, Mountain Climbers, Dips. 10 reps the first 2 times, 7 reps each following time in order to complete within time.

You know a beat-down has been good when you can’t pinpoint one area of pain, but many in the aftermath. Arms, Core, Legs etc anyone else?

Great work gentlemen!

DORA 1-2-3 on ‘Roids (11/10/18)


PAX: Ollie, Incognito, OG, Linc, HanzandFranz, Oshag, Sous Vide, Roadtrip, Duggar

Introduction: We did our normal Intro and went to warm ups

Warm-Ups: We all showed up on time ….. wait no we didn’t. Duggar was late. Like 5 minutes late after skipping the Pre-Ruck. BUUUUUUT I digress!  8 of us began warming up the extremities on a chilly 28 degree morning. Duggar finally shows up and upon arrival I let him warm up for a few minutes.

*back story* .. on Tuesday Duggar forgot his headlamp. Said headlamp has made quite the trip since being rescued buy Oshag. His price for return 10 Hurpees. Duggar did those with minimal complaints. And since OG loves Duggar he made him do 5 Merikans for being late. Nothing like friends! *disclaimer … no one else has to do exercises for being late unless they Raz the Q upon arrival. 🙂

We mossey’d to the football field where cones were magically already setup for THANG 1.

Thang 1

  1. 1. 100 HR Merkins
  2. 2. 200 4 Ct Flutter Kicks
  3. 3. 300 Squats

Non-Exercising Partner

20 yard run

5 yard BC

20 yard Run

5 Yard BC

20 yard run

5 yard BC

20 yard Run

5 Yard BC

On Transition 5 T Clap Merkins (team members clap one hand at a time w/ one another)

My HIMs killed this with very few modifications. All worked extremely hard.

Thang 2


Bear Crawl Up Hill. Pick up and move Block as team (determine best way for you …. NO THROWING). Both team members must have one hand on block as it moves.

At Top …. 

Perform 10 Curls each. (on odd numbers) 

Perform 10 Shoulder Presses (on even numbers)

While one is doing above w/ block .. other is in Al Gore.

As a team decide how to get block to bottom. Carry together. Trade off. One person. Get to bottom and start back up. If a team finishes …. Either assist another team or PLANK.

4 total trips up and down before we ran low on time


We mosey’d back to start point where we got in a little ……


American Hammers

Flutter Kicks

Gas Pumps


Mountain Climbers


Finished up in a COT and headed to Coffeeteria.



Paddock AO

Where: Paddock AO

When: 11/7/18 @ 5:30 am

Q: White Wall

Pax: OG, Duggar, Incognito, Birdman, Brown Bear (FNG) and White Wall

Had to shake off the terrible loss from UK the night before and shake off the cobwebs that go with a 10:00 pm gametime.  What better way than to grind it out!  We started off with some easy stretching just to loosen up then off for a jog!  Just shy of 2 miles with 20 merkins at the halfway point, worked well as a warm up.

After arriving back at the parking lot we made our way over to the playground for some step ups to make sure the hammies were good and ready.  With some terrible cadence counting on my part…we did 20 total then back to the parking lot.  20 more merkins and we were ready.

I figured it was time to break out our gift from Gypsy (F3 Charlotte).  So out came the 35-40 ft fire hose.  As has been our goal in the past few weeks to get stronger at the overall strength of our runs, we did some more interval training.  This time it came in the form of some resistance training as well.  We did an alternating sprint dragging the hose from end to end of the lot (roughly 75-100 yards).  Gotta say when I planned this I was thinking that maybe the workout was going to be far too light.  My body is saying different after.  2 sprints a piece left us with a new appreciation for firemen.  Even caught our FNG (Brown Bear) spilling the merlot which I take as a high compliment.

One parking lot length sprint as a race (Good job Birdman!) and then another 20 merkins.  Then I thought well maybe I could make myself puke so lets give the hose 1 more run.  That hurt.

7-8 minutes of Mary to round it out with some Berkins and flutter kicks.

Ended with Name O Rama which led to us welcoming Brown Bear to the F3 family (I’ll let him explain the name when you see him).  Had a great showing and biggest yet for Paddock! Really enjoy the early morning grind and good men along side feeling the pain as well!


Arm? Day


PAX:12 – AYE, double digits for a weekday post!!

Q: Oshag

Rules for the Day:

No running – Linc’s request – didn’t happen

Burpees for Everyone – Mumblechatter chickens wouldn’t make a call

No 10 counts – Thanks to OG calling me old!

Arm Day – Because Incognito AKA ‘I’m a Star’ wrecked our legs the day before


Burpees and leg/arm stretches. Burpees included Hurpees (hand release burpees) and one-legged burpees. Arm and leg stretch, Count-O-Rama and Name-O-Rama while stretching.

Main Thang – 2 phases:

Phase 1

Part 1

Made for This – Carrollton  — Meat hangers (pulsing Al Gores) with burpees on the ‘Made for This’ chorus, which also switched to Hand Release Merkens later in the morning (repeated 3 times)

Part 2

Same song but switched to High Knees with a Coach Sherrills (Up-Downs/Grass Drills) on the chorus (repeated 3 times)

Phase 2 

Took advantage of the new AO. 3 retaining walls, run to the wall for 5 Incline Merkens, repeat at each wall, climb to the top and turn around for 5 Decline Merkens at each wall on the way down.

Ever present for today’s workout were 3 sets of dumbbells – must clarify since the word dumbbells can be too widely applied – 2 sets of 25 lb weights and 1 set of 20 lb weights. Once we picked up the weights, we did not put them down until 6:15. Weights were passed between the PAX so that someone was curling for the rest of the workout.

End with C-O-R and N-O-R with one more set of 5 Burpess because OG. Finished in a COT.

Words of the day, Design over Desire. Don’t let your Desires wreck God’s Design for your life. YOU were Made for This – His Design.

Mostly Leg Day

Q: Incognito

PAX: Had 8 today

Name-o-Rama in plank. Then several stretching and warmup moves.

The Thang: Moseyed over to parking lot by south baseball fields. Ran a course of sprints, 10 I’M A STAR JUMPS, 20 Ranger Merkins, broad jumps, and 50 feet of side-to-side jumps. Did this for 10 minutes.

The Second Thang: Alternating between 60 second wall squats and 60 seconds of another core/upper body workout against the wall. 4 total rounds.

Finish: Duggar led us with one LONG set of American Hammers.

Great workout and an even better group of Men.

Backblast – Deck of Death (11/1/2018)

Q: Zebra

PAX: Zebra, Opera Ghost (OG), Lincoln Log (Linc), Birdman, Oshag, Incognito, Yanni and Sous Vide

Disclaimer, then name-o-rama while doing boxing step/arm stretch.


Imperial Walkers IC

Finkle Swings IC

Hillbillies IC

Zebra Kicks IC


The Thang

We moseyed to get the coupons, then back to the first tennis courts

Game: Deck of Death

Hearts = Merkins (variety as called by Q – Regular, Wide arm, Diamond)

Spades = Squats (variety – Jump Squats)

Diamonds = LBC (variety  – BBsit ups or Bicycle Crunch)

Clubs = Coupon curl (variety – coupon row or overhead press)

As we worked, every 4-5 cards we built in additional work. Including: 2 laps around courts, SSH IC (20x), Mountain Climbers, 4 laps around courts, SSH IC (30x)

Jokers are wild – First Joker Q called for an exercise (burpees) and a number (5) x 3 = 15 burpees. Second Joker Q called for an exercise (Lunges) and a number (20) each leg OYO

When we got to the end of the deck (which was a few cards short by mistake of the Q) we noticed a shortage of hearts, so we ended with 20 Burpees.

As always, end in COT.

Charge the Hill! (10/31/2018)

Q: Opera Ghost (OG)

PAX: OG, Lincoln Log (Linc), Birdman, Whitewall

OG gave general disclaimer. We did a name-o-rama and got into some stretching. This workout is our normal weekly “running workout”. We are working on getting faster/stronger. Therefore we are still concentrating on intervals.


1/2 Mile Jog and back to bottom of hill

Thang 1

Run to top of hill, Walk 10 yards further 10 yards back and mosey back to bottom (x 5)


Thang 2

In parking lot do 80 yard sprint (AYG) …. 80 yard sprint back (AYG) (x 5)

In between sprint sets we did strength exercises:

  1. 4 Count Merikans ( x 5)
  2. Copperhead Squats (x 10)
  3. Flutter Kicks (x 25)
  4. Dips (x 20)
  5. 4 Count Merikans (x 20)


We had about 10 minutes left so we did some Mary to burn out our core and remaining time.


All that came gave it their best and we were all feeling it. Thanks HIMs for pushing me and each other.


Opera Ghost


10/24 Backblast – Paddock

Date: 10/24

Location: Paddock

Time: 5:30am – 6:15am

Q: Lincoln Log

Pax: OG, Incognito, Lincoln Log and 1 FNG (Mark, to be named)

Before the warmup, YHC explained the principles of F3 to our newest FNG and gave the standard disclaimer of non-professionalism. I also explained cadence counting and our use of crazy F3 names to describe otherwise normal exercises.

Warm Up: Some quick stretches, then SSH and Ground Grabbers in cadence

The Thang:

We started with a 1 mile run at a gentle pace. 1/2 mile out and 1/2 mile back to the parking lot. On the way back, YHC outlined the impending WO.

The Cooper (modified):

10 x Squats, BBSs and Merkins each

2 x Sprints – AYG

9 x Squats, BBSs and Merkins each

2 x Sprints – AYG

8 x …

2 x …

And so forth… Then,

1 x Squat, BBS and Merkin

AYG sprint to the end of the lot.

(The parking lot was 80 long, each sprint was the length of the lot, with ‘2 x’ being down and back)

We finished with another 1 mile run. 1/2 mile out and 1/2 mile back.


We took some time to scout out the playground next to the parking lot for WOs in the future, and we acknowledged the strong potential The Paddock has in growing F3 Lexington.

We welcome Mark (FNG) to the fold and look forward to seeing him post again!



When: 5:30am

Q: Duggar

Pax: OG, Yanni, Sous Vide, and Duggar

First was some warmups

10 Michael Phelps 4 count ic

15 pavement grabbers 4 count ic

oyo calf and thigh streching

.7 mile run to a lit parking lot as we needed some light


The Thang

5 cones that were lined about 20 yards apart.  Stared at one end, calling it home base and did in kind of like a suicide.

Run to the far cone do the exercise and  run back to home base.  Run back to the far cone do the exercise again then to the next cone, and then back to home base.  We did the until we finished.  Then we cut the amount in half and did it again the opposite direction..  Exercise and amounts were;

10 hand released merkins

10 jump squats

10 burpees

30 lbc

30 ssh


Ran the .7 back to start and ended with a couple min of mary.

Thanks to my brothers for coming out this morning.  couldn’t do without you all.


Paddock – Interval training

Where: Paddock AO

When: 10/17/18 @ 5:30am

Q: White Wall

Pax: OG, Duggar and White Wall

It was a fine crisp morning in the bluegrass. Thought we might do some more interval training to try to strengthen the overall running. So we did!

First was some warmups

20 side straddle hops

Yada yada yada….we stretched then it was off for the first leg of running.

1/2 mile run to the figure 8 drive.

15 Merkins to a .15 fast run (we won’t kid and call it a sprint though Duggar and OG showed me up the whole way through) to the middle

10 Berkins to a .15 run to the end

15 Merkins to a .15 run back to the middle

10 Berkins to a .15 run back to the entrance

15 Merkins to a .15 run to the middle

10 Berkins to a .15 run to the end

15 Merkins to a .15 run back to the middle

10 Berkins to a .15 run to the entrance

From there we added an extra leg to make the final run stretch close to a mile. After getting some feeling back in the limbs and making sure the burning lungs were gonna make it….we regrouped back at the splash pad.

Putting this workout about an hour before going to bed I thought it would be too simple and wouldn’t push us enough. I was wrong. Simple, thorough and painful. Just what we need first thing in the morning. My boys pulled me along through the grind and we started our day right! Thanks men

10/15 Backblast

Workout Date: 10/15/2018



We met up on a Monday with some nice weather. The ground was wet but other than that it was a beautiful morning. In true F3 LexKY fashion it stopped raining long enough for us to workout and then started again.



PAX: OG, Linc, Duggar, Sous Vide

Warm Up

SSH x 25

GoofBall x 20

Stanky Legs x 20

Grass Grabbers X 20

Chinook X 20

Cobra Dog ….. Cobra to Downward Dog


Bataan death march

Pax Begins to Jog.  Guy at back does 2 Burpees and then sprints to catch up and goes to front of line.



Brick by Brick ShuttleCrawl

15 Yards Apart



2 Partners

2 Blocks


Partners stand at each end of 15 yards. P1 bear crawls to blocks, carries it back to his start, P1 crawls back again and gets 2ndblock and carries it back. While P1 is crawling and carrying, P2 is performing the exercises listed below. If either P1 or P2 gets done early. Plank it up!


R1: 15 Burpees

R3: 10 Burpees

R4: 10 BBS

R5: 5 Burpees

R6: 5 BBS

We mosey’d back to AO Start Point (Flag) and proceeded.



Prayer Requests given and Prayed for.

Paddock AO Runs

Date: 10/10

Location:  Paddock

Time:  5:30am – 6:30am

Q:  White Wall

Pax:  White Wall, Lincoln Log and O.G. (***cough no El Chapo cough***)

Warm Up:  Some quick high knees, butt kickers, ham and hip stretches

The Thang:  So today we made an attempt at interval training or at least my attempt at it.  Looking to get stronger at the overall running for this AO, I figured we might switch it up a little.

1/2 mile run to the figure 8 driveway to the soccer fields.

From there was intervals of .15 mi sprints…kinda anyway with 30 second bootcamps in between each leg.

To start 30 seconds of air squats to .15 run

30 second plank to .15 run

10 Berkin Deconstructed (10 squats, 10 leg thrusts, 10 merkins, 10 leg thrusts and up) to .15 run

30 second Al Gore to .15 run

30 seconds of Freddie Mercury to .15 run

30 seconds of Lunge (ouch!) to .15 run

10 Hand Release Merkins to .15 run

30 seconds of Daniel Son (best we could thru the laughing) to .15 run

20 or so ft of Duck walk to end then another 1/2 mi run back to the car.

All in all I think it was a successful first attempt at interval running with little cool down time.  Next week we will be looking to build on it!!  Back at the car we down some H20 and finish in the usual fashion.  Good runs boys!


10/9 Gridlock Backblast

Workout Date: 10/09/18

Q: Zebra

PAX: OG, Sous Vide, Incognito, Oshag, and Zebra


SSH – 24
Zebra Butt Kicks – 15 *new and appropriate for the Q
Daniel Sons – 15 *new
Butt Kickers
Arm circles – 10 each (small/big – forward/backward)


Mosey to the football field. Beatdown for the morning – the Sheldon Cooper.

Sheldon Cooper: Run a loop around the football field – down 2 posts – across – down 2 posts – back to beginning. We did this as an Indian Run to stay together

10 Burpees – 10 Squats – 10 Merkins – 10 Big Boy Situps OYO

Wash, Rinse, Repeat. — Run the loop, then 9 reps of each, Run then 8 reps….all the way down to the final rep


In our final 5 minutes, we ended with a Phil Collins core beatdown. While listening to “In The Air Tonight” we made sure to keep ourselves In the Air.
Plank hold, and switching back and forth with side plank left, side plank right, and toe taps while holding plank (brutal)


Great ending in the CoT.

Two in the Grail – 10/8/18 (OG Q)

Workout Date: 10/08/18


PAX: OG, Duggar


• Are free of charge

• Are open to all men

• Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold

• Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary

• End with a Circle of Trust


Disclaimer: I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk. You are best able to determine your abilities and should modify the workout as needed to suit your own needs. Stay safe and be alert.


Duggar and I met up at Holy Grail this morning and I had quite the treat for us. I decided the running needed a break and our arms/chest/abs needed a beating. So after our introductory warm up lap it was time to get at it. Almost all of our exercises were done in cadence and together. This intensified the workout and I’m already feeling it. Was super proud of my boy Duggar for pushing so hard. The results can be seen in his physical, mental and spiritual.


“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” –Mark Twain


We took a mosey lap around the parking lot. Approx ½ mile.


– 30 Dips
– 10 Incline Pushups
(subtract 5 from dips, add 5 to pushups … always totaling 40 until declines at 0)


Ascending Table Crawl
– Two tables 15 yards apart.
– Bear crawl to one, 1 Derkin
– Continue Bear crawls back and forth adding one until you have done 10 bear crawls and last set of Derkins is 10.


The 300
15 Elevators
15 gas pump
20 Freddy Mercuries
20 dollys
20 Flutter Kicks
15 Side Plank Hip Lifts
30 LBCs
15 Side Plank Hip Lifts
40 American hammers
30 Freddy Mercuries
15 Oblique V Ups
20 Flutter Kicks
15 Oblique V Ups
10 Gas Pumps


It was only two of us but we ended strong with a CoT.

10/4 Impromptu Beat Down

We had 5 PAX come out for this early morning beatdown! Sous Vide, OG, Zebra, Lincoln Log, and Duggar (Q).


Workout began with F3 principles and the following disclaimer:

Disclaimer: I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk. You are best able to determine your abilities and should modify the workout as needed to suit your own needs. Stay safe and be alert.


We did an OYO stretching and used this time to have some needed 2nd F


The Duggie

We did a modified, modified, modified Duggie (you would only understand this statement if you were there)  want to get in on the inside jokes????  I know a way!!!

Started off running a mile.  This ended with a desperate search for a lost brother.  Lincoln Log saw a shinny penny in the middle of the run and then tried to HL some people by the pool.  Then he generously graced us with his presence again.

Then we headed to the coupons and did the following

100 coupon curls #Ballerinaarms

100 Merkins

150 air squats

200 LBC’s


Ended in the circle of trust and prayer.

Great work out brothers, we are defiantly growing stronger together in all 3 f’s!

Nicholasville North Workout 10-2-18

Nicholasville north workout – “cool name coming soon”

Warmup –

Mosey around the playground 2 laps

Side Strattle hops – 25

Forward arm circles -30 secs

Backward arm circles – 30 secs

Near/fars – 30 secs (knuckles at temples, close arms to elbows in front of face, open arms out past shoulders)

Main beat down

– Sphinx plank pushups – on leader call

– Skater lunges – 20

– Downward Dog Crunches – 2 sets each leg

– Side lunge jumpshots – 10 per side

– Elevator Mericans – on leader call

– Double Uppercut Sprawls 10 per side

– Roll up V’s – 20

– One leg jump squats – 10 per side

– Wide armed Mericans – 20

– Elbow/over the top Elbow sprawl – 10 per side

– Leg Scissor Twists – 2 sets 20

– Warrior Squat lunges – 10 per side

– Basketball court suicide with side strattle hops at each interval escalating increments of 5

– V up crunches – 20

Cool down in the rain

-mountain climbers – burnout

Ring sweat out of shirt and start the day. Get some!

40 Mins in Grail – OG Q


PAX: Biscuit, Incognito, Duggar, OG

Workout Date: 10/01/2018


This is our second beatdown at our AO in Versailles, KY (Holy Grail). On this first day of October I wanted to get a good variety of muscle recruitment. It was a beautiful morning. We were in low 70s and in true LexKY fashion …. Rain free. Ha.

Disclaimer: I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk. You are best able to determine your abilities and should modify the workout as needed to suit your own needs. Stay safe and be alert.


SSH x 20

Pavement Grabbers x 12

Abe Vigodas x 15

Arm Circles x 20 (10 forward, 10 back)


We went old school and “simple”. We rocked a DOLLY. We broke up into teams of two. That is 2 teams if you can’t do the math! 😉 While 1 partner was exercising, the other ran @50 yards, performed 2 burpees and then returned. The exercises were 100 Merikans, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats.

The Transition

We performed an Indian Run around the parking lot of Falling Springs. It was topped off by OG calling Duggar a jerk for sprinting away when it was OG’s turn to sprint to front. Ha.

Feel the Burn

OG led the men of F3 over to the pavilion where they found them selves close to a stage/wall. Staying in pairs we performed 2 different exercises in unison … on OG’s count.

10 Merikans/10 Wall Dips

9 Merikans/9 Wall Dips

8 Merikans/8 Wall Dips

7 Hi/Lo Planks/7 Step Ups

6 Hi/Lo Planks/7 Step Ups

5 Inclined Merikans/Hold High Plank

4 Inclined Merikans/ Hold Low Plank

3, 2, 1 … As a group we performed Declined Merikans.


We finished up with a Name-o-Rama and CoT.

Was a great workout with a great group of HIMs. I was super proud of the effort and support. Look forward to being able to reach more ppl in the area with this AO.


9/25 Back Blast

Workout Date: [09/11/2018]

We had 7 PAX come out for this early morning beatdown! Sous Vide, OG, Ooze, O’ Shag, Zebra, Yanni, and Duggar (Q).


Workout began with F3 principles and the following disclaimer:

Disclaimer: I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk. You are best able to determine your abilities and should modify the workout as needed to suit your own needs. Stay safe and be alert.


15 Abe Vigoda IC

15 Imperial Walkers IC

About 25 yards down and back high knees (accident free)

Butt Kickers down and back


Burpee Mile

We ran 1 mile.  Sound easy?  Every quarter mile we had to stop to do 12 Burpees.  Ooze seemed to enjoy this the most based upon his comments 🙂

The THANG 2:

Bear Crawl 1-2-3

Dora’s obnoxious neighbor who throws wild parties all night long. Partner up, perform 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 Squats as a team. While Partner 1 is doing the 1-2-3, Partner 2 Bear Crawled up a hill, that seemed to be the length a football field, and ran back, then flip flop until all Merkins, LBCs, and Squats were completed.


Ended in the circle of trust and prayer.

Great work out brothers, we are defiantly growing stronger together in all 3 f’s!

Backblast 9/22 Yanni Q

Workout Date: [09/22/2018]


PAX : Boy blue, Mr. Hand, Sous Vide, Radio, Custer, Zebra, Ollie, Stapler, Kisses, Duggar, OG, Roadtrip, Biscuit, O’Shag, Count Chocula, Lincoln Log, Chesty, Yanni.

Disclaimer: I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk. You are best able to determine your abilities and should modify the workout as needed to suit your own needs. Stay safe and be alert.


10 x Imperial Walkers

15 x Abe Vigoda

Chumbaburpee – played the song Tubthumping by Chumbawamba and did a Burpee each time we heard “I get knocked down!” (Happens a lot more than you realize!)

Bat Wings – 20 4 count Forward Arm Circles, 20 seal claps, 20 4 count backward arm circles, 20 overhead claps


Thang 1- At lower tennis courts, Dirty Mac Deuce. 10 x Merkins, Squats, and Big Boy Sit Ups, followed by a lap around the tennis courts. Repeat 4x

Thang 2 – Mosey along path to bottom of the hill by the football field. Partner up. Partner one holds a plank while partner 2 works out on the hill. 1st time sprint, 2nd time, bear crawl, 3rd time backwards, 4th time sprint

Thang 3 – Mosey to the football field – Duck Jousting! Pax circled up, got into a duck squat and worked to knock over each other. If you fall down, or stand up, you’re out and you hold a plank until the end of the round. Repeat!

Thang 4 – Everyone get a coupon! Colt 45s – Each person grabs a coupon and does 15 curls from bottom to 90 degrees, then 15 from 90 degrees to top, then 15 full curls

Thang 5 – Blocktanamo – Everyone circle up and hold the coupons in front of them, while one PAX sets down his block to run inside the circle pressing down on the others blocks. The next PAX sets his block down as soon as the guy next to him is on the move.

Thang 6 – Mary – Called out PAX to name numbers and exercises to work on core exercises


Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama.

Announcements – Generosity Feeds Event coming up on November 10th to pack meals to feed Fayette County school students. Yanni going to pick a date for F3 to serve meals at Manna Ministry and Nicholasville UMC.

It was a great time leading you men this week, I look forward to seeing you all again! Let’s do what we can to always be headlocking new guys! Let’s continue to grow F3!

9/22 Pre-Blast – Yanni Q

Men, come out tomorrow for a Fall Beatdown! I’ll be leading the Q on 9/22 (1st day of fall!) at 0700 at Shilito Park (AKA Gridlock). We will be meeting by the tennis courts, look for the American Flag! Let’s bring some new people in and show them what F3 is all about!

Join us at 0630 for a pre-workout ruck around the Gridlock.

9/19 Backblast Paddock AO

Date: 9/19

Time: 5:30-6:30

Location: Paddock (masterson)

Q: White Wall

Pax: Lincoln Log, OG, Duggar, Chesty and White Wall (Q)

As is our running Wednesday….we came, we stretched, we ran then we conquered!

After just a few weeks the pace is getting stronger, the feeling is getting better and we are growing. Full minute faster in pace for all of us. We finished with a sprint uphill to really drive it home.

Finished with some quick F2 and touched on upcoming events then off to the next grind!


9/18 Backblast – Gridlock

Date: 09/18/18

Time: 5:30 – 6:30a

Location: Gridlock (Shillito Park)

Q: Lincoln Log

PAX: Ooze, Incognito, Oshag, Duggar, Yanni, Sous Vide and Lincoln Log (Q). Opera Ghost (OG) was not there.



It was a nice, clear morning; just a bit of fog. Stark contrast to the morning prior. We gave it an extra minute to see if any straggling PAX would roll in; i.e. OG, who was a HC the night before. Alas, he remained home in the fartsack.

We couldn’t wait any longer, so we kicked off a Count-o-Rama and Name-o-Rama, and YHC laid out the disclaimer. Following, we moseyed over to the upper middle tennis court and circled up.


  • 20 SSH (IC)
  • 10 Alternating Shoulder Touches (IC)
  • 15 Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • 15 Copperhead Skwats (IC)
  • 15 Abe Vigodas (IC)

We recovered and sauntered (that’s right, you thought I was gonna say moseyed) down the steps and to the lower tennis courts. We split up and lined up between 2 courts in the middle; one group headed down the courts one direction, and the other group headed the opposite.

Tha Thang: ALARMs (Arms, Legs, Abs, R exercise, M exercise)

ALARM 1 – 6 min duration – OYO AMRAP

  • 5 Burpees
  • Lunge down 2 courts
  • 10 LBC
  • Run – Sprint back
  • 4 Morning Woods (weightless Turkish Get-ups)

ALARM 2 – 6 min duration – OYO AMRAP

  • 15 Overhead Claps
  • Broad Jump down 2 courts
  • 5 BBS
  • Run – Karaoke back
  • 5 Merkins

ALARM 3 – 6 min duration – OYO AMRAP

  • 10 Alternating Shoulder Touches (5 ea side)
  • Side Lunges down 2 courts
  • 10 Gas Pumps
  • Run back Backwards
  • 10 Mountain Climbers

ALARM 4 – 6 min duration – OYO AMRAP

  • 5 Dive Bombers
  • Duck Walk or Gate Step (hip flexors) down 2 courts
  • 10 Peter Parkers
  • Run – Sprint back
  • 5 Mexican Skwats

The ALARMs were done in succession, only taking time in between to describe the next set of movements.

After the ALARMs stopped going off, we moseyed back up to the upper tennis courts. Here we circled up one final time for some Mary.


  • 10 Dolly’s
  • 10 American Hammers
  • 10 Flutter Kicks
  • 10 Little Baby Crunch with Bicycle Kick Things (LBCBKTs?)
  • Plank Hold for 60 sec Count around the circle (Duggar almost lost his life for pausing on the count too long)

We recovered, did Count-o-Rama & Name-o-Rama, and rendezvous’d back at the flag.


9/17/18 New AO Beatdown – OG Q (Holy Grail)

Holy Grail

Q – OG

PAX – OG, Duggar, Linc

As there were three of us and we are well acquainted we hurried through introductory ceremonies and got to warm up.


  1. SSH – 20
  2. Imperial Walkers – 15
  3. Flutter Kicks x 25(IC)
  4. BBS x 20 (OYO)
  5. Quad Stretching (OYO)

Thang 1:

  • 100 Merkins (1 person does 10 while others hold plank; 100 total for group)
  • 100 LBCs (1 person does 10 while others hold 6″; 100 total for group)
  • 100 Squats (P1 person does 10 while others hold Al Gore; 100 for total group)


@1/4 mile Indian run around the parking lot of rec center.

Thang 2:

  • Lined up on parking space lines.
    • bear crawl two spaces
    • 10 Merkins
    • Crab Walk 2 Spaces
    • 10 Derkins (Diamond Merkins)
    • Lunge 3 spaces
    • 10 Wide Merkins
    • Recover
  • Lined up on parking space line
    • Run to end of lot and back
    • 10 Merkins
    • Run to end of lot and back
    • 10 Derkins
    • Run to end of lot and back
    • 10 Wide Merkins
    • Recover

Since it was just three of us. We took a jog to explore the new AO. We have a lot to work with here.

Ended with COT.

F3 Holy Grail – The Birth of a New AO

Men of Lexington, KY and the surrounding areas, in an effort to continue to grow @F3Lexington and reach more men in our region, we will be test launching a new AO in Versailles, KY.

So grab a friend and come join us as we introduce F3 Holy Grail. Our very own OG will be the Q tomorrow morning, so you can expect a great WO.

275 Beasley Rd, Versailles, KY 40383

Find the circled lot and look for the flag!

9/8 Backblast – Zebra VQ

Workout Date: 09/08/18

Q: Zebra

PAX: Zebra, Icognito, OG, Lincoln Log, Custer, Count Chocula, Dugger, Road Trip, Chesty, Yanni, Kisses, Ollie, Sous Vide, Mr. Hand, Radio, Ooze, Hairball

FNG: Divine and Pebbles


Workout began with the following disclaimer and the Core Principals of F3.

Disclaimer: I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk. You are best able to determine your abilities and should modify the workout as needed to suit your own needs. Stay safe and be alert.


15 Abe Vigoda IC

15 Imperial Walkers IC

10 Finkle Swings (Per Leg) IC

15 Hillbillies IC

20 Side Straddle Hops IC


Thang 1: Pax mosey down to the Tennis Courts. I explained to the group the meaning of the name of the workout. Reading my son’s journal from school and how he wrote about getting a player drink after his baseball game he got a “celebration of life” drink a.k.a. suicide. Thus introducing our first activity of suicides (and subsequent groans)

With 8 tennis courts, I double named this activity Crazy 8’s. Paired with each Celebration of life run was an exercise. Run 1 court, 8 reps of exercise, 2 courts – 7 reps and so on. Given 8 minutes to complete (too much time) the Pax began.

Round 1 – COL paired with Merkins OYO

Round 2 – PAX paired up in groups of 2 or 3 to complete this round. Leave no man behind and encourage your unit. COL paired with Squats

Round 3 (Yes 3 rounds – I said Crazy Eights) – COL paired with American Hammer OYO and 6 min time limit

Thang 2: Mosey up to the Football field

PAX divided into 2 teams and competed in the Walk Like an Egyptian Race.

Groups lined up in Right Leg lunge forward position. PAX in back of line lunges to front of line while group holds lunge position. Race until a group crosses the finish line.

Finisher: PAX paired up and grabbed coupon’s for each pair.

1 partner with coupon on ground with a 4 count move IC, Squat (grab coupon) – Pickup, Overhead Press, back to chest. 8 reps

2nd partner – SSH

Rotate. Then Round 2 – same move with coupon, partner with a plank hold


Finished with Count and Name-o-rama (19 Total PAX)

Intentions and Prayer: Chesty shared about supporting his family in the Down Syndrome Walk. Yanni updated us on his nephew’s broken leg and OG shared a request about his wife’s job. Finished with prayer and fellowship over coffee!

8/6 White Wall’s first Q

Date:     8/6/18

Time:    5:30-6:30

Location:     Masterson Station Park

Q:     White Wall

PAX:     Lincoln Log, Opera Ghost (The OG), Duggar and White Wall (Q)



Well you know it’s gonna be a good day when @ 5:30 a.m. it feels like a hot swamp outside.  What better to do then to get up and run…..a bunch.  When the question was posed 2 days prior, “who wants to Q a running WO on Thursday?” I think hey, I’m a terrible runner even at a short distance so let’s Q a WO that makes my legs want to fall off.  So having never Q’d a WO I say sure I got this!  So we decided to try a new AO and since it’s a run, we should find the biggest, longest hills possible.  So we did.

Warm up

12 Side Straddle Hops (why 12 you ask…cause my brain doesn’t function @ 5:30 and my first run at cadence confused it)

10 Body builders (new movement for me, basically a burpee with a kick jack after the merkin)

Some high knees and hamstring stretches


Well…..we ran….a bunch.  Got some good F2 time in on a old man pace.  3.6 miles in total.  I decided that since the distance was a bit longer that I would save the bootcamp stops for another day.  Judging by the soreness later in the day…I think it was a good call.  This AO doesn’t have a flat spot anywhere so there were some long grinding hills. Had a great morning with great brothers hitting the grind.  Unfortunately the Masterson splash pad seems to be on a timer (sorry Lincoln Log on over promising) and wasn’t ready for the early birds.  We were looking forward to a solid cool down but guess I just need to figure out what city worker has that area and headlock him!

Had a good talk after about just how important F3 is to me and what it means to put energy into something so much larger than myself.  Also hopefully planted the seed for getting a Speed for Need event going here in the Bluegrass (thanks Gypsy!!)




8/4 Backblast – Lincoln Log Q

Date: 08/04/18

Time: 5:30 – 6:30a

Location: Shillito Park

Q: Lincoln Log

PAX: Whitewall, Ooze, Zebra, Duggar, Triceratops and Lincoln Log (Q)



It was an especially early morning for YHC, due to poor life decisions that resulted in staying up half the night before assembling bedroom furniture for my daughters, after agreeing to make a trip to Ikea over the holiday weekend. But there was a job to be done and a beatdown to be lead. So I forced myself out of the fartsack and got to Shillito at 5:15a to scout potential pull-up locations and to get the speaker I stashed in my ruck the night before paired with my phone and ready to play. More on that later.

5:30a arrives, along with the 5 other PAX, and YHC wastes no time getting into the warmup. No need for disclaimers or rhetoric, it was too early and the PAX knew what they were there for. We moseyed to the closest tennis court and circled up.

BTW and big shout out to Roadtrip; he got up and drove out to the park to plant the flag for us, even though he was hurting from the beatdown the day before and wasn’t going to be able to WO with us.


Side Straddle Hops – IC: 20

Abe Vigodas – IC: 15

Imperial Walkers – IC: 15

This was good exercise setup and cadence counting practice for YHC, as I stumbled through the whole thing.

Musical Interlude:

Next, YHC explained the following movements without context, to be done while holding the plank position:

Slide to the left/right – move left or right

Back up – walk hands toward feet one step and then back out

Clap your hands – alternating shoulder touches

Left/right foot – extend left/right foot out and tap your toe on the ground

Hop – jump both feet up towards your hands and back out

Cha-cha – mountain climbers

… At this point I walked to my ruck laying in the center of the circle, pulled out my phone and hit play. It all made sense once Mr. C The Slide Man said “We’re gonna get funky!” We performed the movements to the Cha Cha Slide for about 3 minutes before the triceps were screaming and I killed the music knowing what we had in store.

We recovered and started on a 0.5mi mosey to the playground, where I had hinted earlier we’d be doing pull-ups.

A little background.. YHC got roped into doing the Q because in response to someone asking if we’d do Murph again today, I replied with a firm “No”. At which point Zebra said it sounded like I needed to Q. (Zebra has his VQ this coming Saturday… not sure how that happened 😄). Sooo, I stuck to my guns, no Murph today. However, Murph has a not-so-little sister, Cindy. No weight or runs (we ran anyways), but you still end up doing 100 pull-ups, 200 Merkins and 300 squats.


20 rounds – OYO

5 pull-ups

10 Merkins

15 squats

We made it through 15 rounds before running out of time and needing to mosey back.

I discussed what F3 means to me, personally. This sparked discussion of how to continue to grow the group, which led to Duggar and Whitewall initiating a run WO. The date was set for Thursday and Whitewall stepped up to Q.



8/3/2018 Backblast -Labor Day Work

Workout Date: 08/03/2018


PAX: OG, Yanni, Chesty, Lincoln Log, Sous Vide, Roadtrip, Duggar, Zebra


So here is how this happened. We were chatting on slack and someone said they were going to play disc golf on Labor Day. OG says “I’d be down for a workout!”. Then someone says sounds like you should Q it. So there we go! And so it begins …..

Disclaimer: I am an unpaid volunteer and not a professional. You are here by your own choice and by choosing to participate you assume all risk. You are best able to determine your abilities and should modify the workout as needed to suit your own needs. Stay safe and be alert.


  1. We circled up.
  2. Count-O-Rama
  3. Introduced ourselves

Mosey’d to Tennis Courts (8 wide)


We lined up on far court end line. Performed the following 3 times:

Court 1: butt kicks
Court 2: jog
Court 3: high knees
Court 4: jog
Court 5: lunges
Court 6: jog
Court 7: bear crawl
Court 8: jog
Run back to Start


I introduced the boys to a version of Indian Runs. We ran 5 laps around the tennis courts doing indian runs (last man sprints to front, repeat)


DORA Time. OG Introduced his own version of Dora. We broke into teams of 2 and performed the following.

1. 100 Merkins
2. 200 LBCs
3. 300 Squats

The reps were cumulative btw the two man teams. While one pumped out reps the other ran 4 courts and returned.


Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, prayers, praises & announcements were taken and lifted up.

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,…. Colossians 3:23 

How did Duggars VQ go?

September 1st
Well, my first VQ went well. We had a total of 21, including 3 FNG’S. I gave the disclaimer late (thanks HanZandFranz) but lived it out. The group really came together to support my first time!

We started with 16 Side Straddle Hops.
16 Abe Vigoda, which I mistakenly called Imperial Walkers and have no idea why…….cough…..OG……Cough cough.
Then we moseyed to the basketball courts taking a nice .75ish mile roundabout way to get there.

At the basketball courts we lined up on the baseline and got into pairs to do buddy carries to the end of the court, switch, and buddy carry your partner back. Seeing Custer (a FNG) who is 6’5 being carried by beeper who is…….not 6’5……….. was a sight to behold. At one point, while Custer was being carried his feet were dragging on the court! Well done beeper, not many of us could have pushed through that!
Then we bear crawled down and back.
To finish up on the courts we paired back up to Wheelbarrow down, switch, and Wheelbarrow back.
Mosey to football field where we counted off in groups of 4.
We had 6 different excersizes set up. Hand released Merkins, LBC’s, Mountain Climbers, Planks, Squats (with coupons), and Curls (with coupons). Two people would perform their assigned exercise while the other two ran approx. 50 yards and back. We repeated this process for 4 minutes and then rotated groups. In between the rotation of the groups, guys took that moment to share what F3 means to them. I was greatly impacted by this time.
Then we took a mossy to where it all began.
We ended with a fun game of 21 and completed on one try. I did hear through the grapevine that Mr. Hand did not stop on time and made it past me!

Count-O-Rama – Stapler, Count Chocula, Beeper, Mr. Hand, Zebra, Ollie, Oshag, Duggar, Kisses, Roadtrip, Mutton Chops, HanzandFranz, Pitstop, Waffels, Hertz, Lincoln Log, and OG
Name-O-Rama We names the FNG’s Custer, Triceratops, and Chesty
We had a great circle of trust and we are building an unbreakable bond between us.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]
Proverbs 3:5-6

Birthday Bash with Bourbon – Backblast

Before I get into my usual BB format, I have to say it was an honor to meet and lead the men of F3 LexingtonKY – FLexington.  I am always humbled to reflect back and think how much an impact F3 has had on my life.  I shared a lot with this group and hope they continue to grow more physically and mentally to help lead the change in Lexington by invigorating male community leadership.

Before the beatdown, Hertz and YHC decided to take on on a 2.5 mile ruck in the pouring rain.  The rain and gloom couldn’t stop us as we walked and talked.  We learned about each other and Hertz had to listen to my F3 stories and attempt at motivation.  I learned a lot about Hertz and wish him luck in his upcoming competitions.

On to the backblast.  The gloom was soaked from a downpour and a slight drizzle.  It wouldn’t phase or stop the 18 men that showed up to give Bourbon a warm greeting as he visited from Toledo.

Date: 08/25/2018

Time: 7:00 – 8:00 AM

Location: Shillito Park

Q: Bourbon

PAX: Radio, HanzAndFranz, Stapler, Kisses, Sous Vide, Incognito, Ollie, Ooze, Roadtrip, Zebra, Wolverine, Hertz, Biscuit, Oshag, Duggar, Lincoln Log, Opera Ghost (OG), and Bourbon (Q)


F3 Mission: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith; To plant, serve and grow men’s small workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership

Principles of F3:

  • It must be free of charge
  • It must be open to all men
  • It must be help outdoor, rain or shine, hot or cold
  • It must be peer led in a rotating fashion by men who participate in the workout, with no training or certification necessary
  • It must end with a Circle of Trust (COT)



  • 21’s – PAX perform 21 4-count side-straddle-hops in cadence. Count to five out loud together, continue silently until 21.  If everybody doesn’t stop at same time, penalty of 5 burpees is imposed.  Repeato until all finish together.  We completed this for five rounds.  YHC even screwed up a couple of the rounds!  Must have been the nervous jitters of leading and working out with a new group of HIMs.

Beatdown: 21 minutes of birthday bash; 8 minutes of core; 21 minutes of birthday bash.

  • Birthday Bash: PAX form a circle. Start with one PAX who gives his birth month and day.  Each month corresponds to an assigned exercise; each day corresponds to a number of reps performed.  Entire PAX suffers the same routine based on each birthday given and gives 100% until 50% of PAX completes the exercise reps.  Once 50% complete, we move to the next member of the circle and repeato.
    • January – Stalking Awareness Month:
      • 100m buddy carry (switch at 50m); days 1-9 = 1 rep; days 10-19 = 2 reps; days 20-31 = 3 reps
    • February – American Heart Month:
      • 100m sprints; days 1-9 = 3 reps; days 10-19 = 5 reps; days 20-29 = 7 reps
    • March – National Athletic Training Month:
      • Burpees; days = # reps
    • April – Diamond Merkins; days = # reps
    • May – National Guide Dog Month:
      • 100m buddy wheel barrow (switch at 50m); days 1-9 = 1 rep; days 10-19 = 2 reps; days 20-31 = 3 reps
    • June – Jump Squats; days = # reps
    • July – Hand-Release Merkins; days = # reps
    • August – Plank Jack Shoulder Taps; days = # reps
    • September – 100m Bear Crawl; days 1-9 = 1 rep; days 10-19 = 2 reps; days 20-31 = 3 reps
    • October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month:
      • Merkins; days = # reps
    • November – Captain Thors (big boy sit-up to American hammer = 1 rep); days = # reps
    • December – Lieutenant Dans; days = # reps
  • Actual Workout based on PAX birthdates:
    • Exercise                                     Reps
    • Plank Jack Shoulder Taps 19
    • 100m Buddy Carry                 1
    • 100m Bear Crawl                 3
    • Lieutenant Dans                 7
    • Diamond Merkins                 22
    • Plank Jack Shoulder Taps 3
    • Plank Jack Shoulder Taps 15
    • 100m Sprint                                 1
    • 100m Sprint                                 1
    • Burpees                                 4
    • Diamond Merkins                 21
    • 100m Buddy Wheel Barrow 3
    • Hand Release Merkins                 24
    • Captain Thors                                 17
    • Lieutenant Dans                 17
    • Burpees                                 19
    • Hand Release Merkins                 31
    • Captain Thors                                 7
    • Diamond Merkins                 3
    • Jump Squats                                 6
    • Merkins                                 12
    • Hand Release Merkins                 13
    • 100m Buddy Carry                 1
  • Core workout:
    • 60 LBC (little baby crunches)
    • 50 American hammers
    • 40 sit-ups
    • 30 rope climbs
    • 20 flutter kicks (4-count)
    • 90 second plank

Count-O-Rama and Name-O-Rama

COT / Prayers and Intentions.

Learn about the 6.  Remember what was said men.  Time to grow and time to work on the 2nd and 3rd F’s.

It was an honor for YHC to come back “home” to a warm welcome and to share the gloom with some HIM from FLexington.  Keep up the good work and keep growing!

8/23 Backblast: Tour de Shillito: All aboard the Pain Train

Our ride on the Pain Train was one of success, suffering and sweat.  HanzandFranz was the conductor and he worked to bring variety, constant movement and encouragement.

Q: HanzandFranz

PAX: 24 including one FNG. We circled up, welcomed the group and offered up the safety brief and disclaimer.

Count-O-Rama:  24

Warm-A-Rama: The Pax did a active dynamic warm up.  We stretched and move some items that hadn’t been moved in a while.

Pain Train:

1st Stop: steps at the shelter.  This was no picnic as we did 30 step ups on each leg.

2nd Stop: straight leg sit ups. We stopped at the first open area we came to, circled up, got on our backs and did old skool sit ups that our granddad’s may have done.

3rd Stop: step overs:  Thank you Parks and Rec for placing a guardrail so strategically in our path.  We did 3 minutes of step overs and could feel the burn and hear the fatigue setting in.

4th Stop:  hand release Mericans.  We stopped in an open field, dropped down on the ground and started pushing them out.  It was great to hear the men sound off with vigor regardless of their fatigue levels.

5th Stop:  Basketball Court for line drills.  We sprinted to half court then backpedaled, then sprinted full court followed by a backpedal.  We did this 5 times and were all fairly reassured that our sprints and backpedals had seen better days.

6th Stop:  Hill Bear crawls.  I apologize for not researching my F3 lingo to properly describe a bear crawl but nonetheless we got after it.  We climbed a respectable hill and it looked like the Pax was being taxed the proper amount.

7th Stop:  Body weight squats and bench dips.  How many uses can one group have for picnic tables that don’t involve tasty food?  I believe that we are just scratching the surface.  We paired up and did 100 dips and 100 body weight squats between the pair.  From here we moseied over to our Flag to complete the day.

Name-A-Rama: Stapler, Hair Ball, Mr. Hand, Incognito, Road Trip, Ooze, Oshag, Barney Fife, Dugger, White Wall, Hertz, OG, Lincoln Log, Beeper, Kisses, Sous Vide, Zebra, Yanni, Wolverine, Count Chocula, Radio, FNG – Danny Steckler

FNG- Danny Steckler – 43 – Sparkles

COT:  Great time of reflection, prayer and intentions




Birthday Bash with Bourbon

Join Bourbon from F3 Toledo and the rest of the men from F3 Lexington to do a little partying Saturday August 25th at Shillito Park, 7-8 AM.

Nobody knows what is coming, show up with your birthday and enjoy the party!

This workout/beatdown is designed for ALL fitness levels.  Young and old, fit and not so fit.  Nobody will feel left behind or like they are holding anything back.  Come out, bring a friend or three and enjoy the festivities!

For those who want a little extra, Bourbon will be doing a ruck around the park starting at 6 AM and ending by 6:45 AM.  Feel free to join him to help get the miles in under the ruck preparing for the GoRuck Star Course challenge.

SYITG (See You In The Gloom),

– Bourbon

F3LexingtonKY Is On The Map!

It’s official, F3LexVegas has been successfully established and has officially joined F3 Nation! Big shout out to F3Louisville! Thanks to the men that saw a need, sacrificed their time and efforts to get us set up, and physically traveled down to show us the way!

Currently we have the single AO and workout time, but we are looking to expand soon! So keep an eye out for updates!

Check us out on Twitter (@F3Lexington), Facebook (@F3Lexingtonky) and at!

Any DR PAX looking for a good workout, hit us up! And if you live in the area and haven’t posted, come find out what F3 is all about! SYITG!

7/28 BACKBLAST – Hertz VQ

Saturday was a great morning for social hour. 12 men, 6 cinder blocks, one 60# ruck buddy, a freshly downed log, a fire hose, and 1.5 miles with workouts on the 1/4 mile. The highlight of the day was finally busting through the burpee punctuated nameorama!

3 FNGs – Incognito, Wolverine, Mutton Chops
9 Pax – My Boy Blue, Ooze, Zebra, Dugger, Roadtrip, Gypsy, Liberachi, White Wall, Hertz

7/28 Hertz Pre-Blast

You have plans for Saturday at 7am. Shilito Park by the pool.
Things to bring:
a great attitude
a friend
a pair of gloves
a backpack (or weight vest/pc) weighing 20-40LB (If you aren’t sure how much weight, aim for 20LB.)
An awkward and/or heavy coupon (object) in the 40-100LB range (if you have one.)



07/14/2018 FLEXINGTON aka LexVegas Backblast

Great effort from Flexington this Saturday.  We worked hard, encouraged each other and continued to forge our bond.

VQ: HanzandFranz and his Weinke

PAX: 14 including one FNG. We circled up, welcomed the group and offered up the safety brief and disclaimer.

Count-O-Rama:  14

Warm-A-Rama: The Pax learned about the value and power of cadence.  We discussed it historical nature as it is a call to work and action of men.  We performed our workout with enthusiasm and vigor doing  the following exercises: 15 Abe Vigoda – IC, 15 Side Straddle Hops – IC, 15 Grass Grabbers – IC, 15 Imperial Walkers – IC.

Thang 1: We ran as a group to the hill were things went “LEFT” very quickly.  We paired up and did a super set with Bernie Sanders and Al Gore.  7 rounds and did we ever feel the “BERN!!”

Thang 2:  We gambled by going to the football field for a little Black Jack.  We paired “Mericans” and LBCs.  We moved up with Mericans and moved down with LBCs.  Due to time restraints, we did as much as possible in 12 minutes.

Thang 3:  We then laddered up to 10 with Bobby Hurley.  We used the 15 yard high shuffle as our active recovery between sets.

Name-A-Rama: Dugger, Road Trip, Barney Fife, Stapler, Disconnect, Kisses, Father Teresa, Boy Blue, Zebra, Ooze, Sous Vide, Lincoln Log, HanzandFranz, FNG

Samuel Martin – 18 – Liberace

COT:  Great time of reflection, prayer and intentions.




7/14 Pre Blast #Flexington #LexVegas Shillito Park

Men!! It is a great day to be f3!  I am pumped to Q this weekend.  We will work hard, embrace suffering and become the type of men that are world changers.  Spread the work, bring a friend and be ready to encourage each other.  It will be the best 7am of your week.  Make sure that you start your hydration now as the heat and humidity can be a bear.  Let’s do work.  HanzandFranz


06/23/2018 FLEXINGTON Backblast – VQ OG

Sunday June 23rd arrived, and it was our first workout without the training wheels provided by our brothers to the Northwest in Da ‘Ville. A HUGE thanks to those HIMs from Louisville that came down and worked so hard with us. You all are special people and we have MUCH love for y’all.

The morning in the gloom was perfect. Temp was good and a little overcast which was ideal for the Albino known as OG. OG arrived early and brought the tokens to the AO and observed his battlefield. Time ticked closer and closer to the start of the beatdown and OG was definitely nervous. The time came and it was GAME TIME!

VQ: Opera Ghost (OG) and his Weinke (in a plastic baggy of course)

PAX: 17 including two FNGs
Started of by circling up and introducing ourselves. Then OG provided the Safety and Disclaimer.

We reviewed the 3 Fs and began with first 2 principles. OG decided a good time to just discuss what F3 has done for him thus far and how important fellowship is to us as men and to F3 as a group.


We started a group run from the flag to the football field. We ran the length of the football field and then circled up at mid field and OG prepared the commencement of Thang 1.


Thang 1
OG is a soccer boy. He may not quite have soccer arms but he definitely enjoys using the legs and core. OG had decided that it might be his goal to see if he could make brother Roadtrip splash merlot.

As we circled up OG explained the next two principles of F3 and then what was about to go down. We were going to perform 12 exercise in a Tabata method. This would normally be 30 seconds on and 10 second rest. BUT this is F3 and we push so we did 90 seconds on 15 seconds off. Sorry not sorry boys!

OG went through each exercise before hand so everyone would be familiar with the next exercise as it arrived. OG had an interval timer setup on his phone to time for us. He had setup a rock playlist to set the mood and SO IT BEGAN. Below is what we did:

1. Burpees
2. Al Gore
3. Merkins
4. Sit-Ups or LBCs
5. Side Straddle Hops
6. Squats
7. Gas Pumps
8. Plank
9. Sprint In Place
10. Stepping Lunges
11. Arm Twist Plank/Push Up
12. Dolly

Everyone worked incredibly hard. People rested and started again OR modified but no one stopped. Even brother Roadtrip as he was turning many different colors.

After Thang 1 was complete and we were all warmed up *wink wink*. OG went through how we do exercises in cadence. He used this to go through some post-Thang stretching in preparation for the Thang to come.

15 Abe Vigoda – IC
15 Imperial Walkers – IC
20 Side Straddle Hops – IC

After this we trotted over to the “hill” …..

Thang II
We performed hill runs in teams of two. A total of 10 runs per team. Man on top of hill would perform a plank while his teammate would perform a run to tree line. At tree line said teammate would perform 10 burpees (with clap) and run back up hill. Then his teammate would do same while he planked it up. Even OG was not happy with himself until it was done. He quoted that his plank had turned into a suspension bridge. But we pushed through and OG was wicked proud of his PAX.

After completion we took a slow jog back to flag and circled up. Here OG explained the remaining/last principle of F3. He re-reviewed the 3 Fs and then all 5 principles again.

We had two FNGs….

Joey Police – BLING
George Joseph – LUMBERG

We ended in a COT. Prayer request spoken and unspoken were there and OG ended us in prayer.

We ended almost exactly at 8 am which made OG happy upon completing his VQ experience.

I was very proud of every man there and brother Roadtrip kept the Splashing of Merlot at bay.

Next week Sous Vide will be bringing the pain.

6/16 Backblast #Flexington

Six weeks ago we launched F3 Lexington.  I was there for the first post and I’m here for the last time the Louisville guys are here to help Q.  I noticed so many faces that were there from the start and I can tell that this train is officially rolling in #Flexington

Shout out to Grinder for tagging along with me today.  Strong HIM.

Q – OJ

PAX: Oshag, Sous Vide (R), Ollie, Hanz and Franz, Mr. Hand, Grinder, Beeper, Lucky, Zebra, Duggar, Barney Fife, Count Chocula, Radio, Dr. Evil (FNG), Puggles (FNG), Yanni (FNG)

Disclaimer given

The start was an easy mosey up to the field

20 Abe Vigotas IC

20 Hillbillies IC

20 Grass Grabbers IC

100 SSHs IC – crowd pleaser

Early name session plank

While planked up in the circle, each PAX went around and said their name, school they attended, and their favorite movie.  Radio’s favorite movie is Radio, but I already knew that.  One person agreed with me that the Shawshank Redemption is their favorite.  Love me some Andy Dufresne.

After finding out that the coupons are in OG’s custody, I made a slight adjustment in my winkie.

We went with the standard Dora

Partnered up – wait what’s that?  We have an odd number? Of course we do.  That takes my streak to 74 straight times I’ve needed an even number and ended up odd. We added the numbers up to the following:

100 merkins

200 Squats

300 LBCs

Next was a mosey to the tennis courts

I brought my personal favorite get to know your partner better workout

Parters would Wheelbarrow to the end of court 2, switch up and the other would Wheelbarrow to the end of court 4, run back

Next Partners would Yoda carry to the end of court 2, switch up and the other would Yoda to the end of court 4, run back

Took a couple of minutes here to go over some general housekeeping for F3.  Here’s what we talked about:

1 5 Core Principles

2 Importance of Pre and Back Blasts

3 Having someone like Tron for example who can spearhead some kind of way to record PAX data

4 Safety – M’s phone numbers on hand

5 2nd F – Happy Hours, Lunches, Coffeeterias

6 3rd F – Give back

7 Designing a Logo

8 Breaking out new AOs

9 Shovel Flag making

10 Keeping coupons on site

Next we all lined up and bear crawled to the end of c1, crab walked to the end of c2, lunged to the end of c3, and broad jumped to the end of c4.

Last we partnered back up and while p1 was doing squats on the baseline, the other would do a suicide going to the end of court 4.  My plan was to use the entire 8 courts here for the suicide.  I’m really glad someone talked me out of it.  Many of the Pax here were a little gassed.

We headed back to the flags as I had some abs to crush.

20 Box Cutters IC

20 Pretzel Crunches (10 on ea side) IC

20 Flutter Kicks IC

20 Dying Cockroaches IC

20 Davinci’s

We rocked boats and canoes for a second but the gravel was digging into my back to I nixed that rather quickly.

Grand finale:

We circled up and I busted out the bluetooth and we all listed to the call from the Belmont last Saturday while in plank position.  Each time the announcer said Justify we’d go down for one merkin.  Geeezzz the Belmont is longggg… woof


I can tell that these men of Lexington are all in on this thing called F3.  Got to see Lucky today who came last week.  A fraternity brother of mine I hadn’t seen in years.

There were quite a few intentions given and I asked the Good Lord above to be with those said and unsaid.  I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the men of Lexington and how they can impact the community there.

I love this group.


6/9 Flexington BackBlast #KiloQ #PlantGrowServe 27 PAX 8 FNG


The mission of F3 is to Plant, Grow, and Serve Samll workout groups for the reinvigoration of Male Community Leadership.  F3Lexington is off to a flying start in fulfilling the mission set forth by Dredd and OBT years ago.  In place already are leaders, the type of leaders that understand this is more than just a workout (Magnet 1st F).  This is a community of men (Glue 2ndF) who can lean on each other in times of need.  They understand that this is a group that can make the community around them a better place (Dynamite 3rdF).  YHC wasn’t surprised by what I witnessed during my #FlexingtonVQ but humbled.  You see, F3 has a way of humbling a man, bringing out the best in each and everyone of us.  This is how we get better, not alone in a gym with our headphones on, but together in the gloom with our brothers who are trudging through life with similar trepidation.  Men, we are a lot more alike than the world will have you believe, when we come together for common good, GREAT things happen.  I see these great things budding in F3Lexington and Ill be anxiously watching from 60 miles away.  TCLAPS F3Lexington!

A sincere thank you to Abacus for accompanying YHC to LexVegas for the Q.  You will see below that I could not have completed this weinke without him, as we practically co-Qd.  You, Abacus are a HIM and I’m proud to call you friend.


YHC Kilo Q

Abacus (F3Louisville), Dugger, Biscuit, Belding, Oder Eater, Sous Vide, Mr. Hand, Radio, Oshag, Stapler, McSteamy, Zebra, Roadtrip, Kisses, Oli, SunBird, Beeper, Hanz N Franz, Ren (FNG), Stimpy (FNG), Velcro (FNG), Bed Bug (FNG), Red Rider (FNG, Respect) Wilbur (FNG), Tigger (FNG), Lucky (FNG)



A muggy humid 75ish and sunny.  Sweat producing conditions ITG.



YHC knew he was in the holy land of #BBN so he decided to represent his blue blood by donning a “Go Blue or Go Home” tee.  Nike running shorts with 3/4 lining (Sweet sweat wicking ability).  Injinji toe socks (always) neon Altra instinct shoes (disclaimer they were slippery, only reason Ren and Stimpy were able to catch me on the agility run)


The Workout


Circle up in the pavilion parking lot for COP

25 Abe Vigodas IC

25 Imperial Walkers IC


15 merkins IC



Split into 2 groups


Group 1– Kilogility course

Start at back of pavilion, bear crawl to closest disc golf hole.

sprint 30 yds to next disc golf hole.

Zig zag sprint around 10 cones spread 10 yds apart.

50 yd sprint down hill to cone turn toward volleyball net

50 yd sprint to volleyball net

5 BOYOS touch top net.



Group 2– Abacus Army crawl

Split again, partner up with someone you dont know.  Push your partner to do their best and give it their all.

P1 army crawls under 3 pic nic tables

P2 AMRAP incline merkins until releived by P1


Group 2 AMRAP with Abacus Army Crawl until releived by Group 1.


We went through this X2.


HIM were suffering, breathing hard, getting better, and encouraging one another.



Mosey up to the practice football field for a little Jack Webb action

1:4 Merkin:Shoulder Press (Jack Webb)


1:4 squat/lunge (Dan Taylor)



Pax split back into the 2 original groups for a little Walk Like an Egyptian Race.

Groups lined up in Right leg lunge forward position.  PAX in back of line lunge walks to the front, when he arrives entire line shifts to left lunge forward.  Continue for 25 yards.

Another Race Inch Worm 

Pax lines up in plank, Pax in rear bearcrawls to front of line and so on.  25 yards……

YHC heard a ton of encouragement and team work!  Everyone was hurting but having fun!!!


WOOF!  PAX were glad to see the watch hit 0800.



All workouts end in a circle of trust.  YHC said a few words about how F3 is more than just a workout.  It forces everyone to step up and lead, it was evident F3Lexinton already has this taking hold in a short period of time.

prayers and intentions were heard and we went to the father to thank him for health, America, and F3.



I cant thank you enough for the warm welcome you gave to myself and Abacus.  Immediately we felt like part of your PAX and it was truly an honor to lead you HIM though a REAL snotwoggler!!!


6/9 preblast #F3LexVegas KiloQ

D0AE029C-2B7C-468F-A300-32C94C90EA19LexVegas are you ready for a Party?  YHC has been looking forward to this Q for what seems longer than the Gillespie Era. Also this is my 3rd Q in 4 days in celebration of my birthday week.  So basically I have a lot of pain in my party bag to deliver.  So in the words of Mark Stoops,  Let’s get to work!




Kentucky Snot Woggler (Week 4)

After a lot of waiting and building excitement it was finally the day to go and help get Flexington started. I woke up a little earlier than I needed to as I wanted to make sure I had plenty of time and could pick up my brother in law, Buford T. Unfortunately, he ended up having to stay until about 4am at my nephews project graduation and then text me at 5am to let me know he wasn’t going to be able to make it. With that scratched off the to-do list I went ahead and loaded the truck with some pallets and got on my way solo. I arrived at Shilito Park in plenty of time to scope the area, set the pallets and also get in a short pre run. While scouting I found the football field first and went ahead and set out the cones for the beat down finisher and then found a small parking lot that had the perfect amount of space for six pallets, note that this parking lot was on a hill side and elevation was not something that I factored into the beat down.  After that I took a nice stroll through the park getting in about 2 miles and still having about 15 minutes before the workout began. When I got back, to my surprise there was no one at the starting point which I thought was odd, I gave it a minute or two and then I knew something wasn’t right. I jumped in the truck and went to the “other” entrance of the park to find a group of about 12 PAX wondering where this guest Q was and why he wasn’t early given that he had never been there before, sorry guys! After arriving at the correct location PAX continued to poor in eventually topping out at 26. Opera Ghost (OG), Captain Insane-o and I made a quick trip to check out the other coupons that were brought by OG. When counting the coupons and then recounting the PAX I had to do a few modifications to the Q, having too many PAX and not enough coupons is a problem that I would love to have every day. At this time I also made the announcement that I had parked in the back of the park initially and unload some additional coupons near there, meaning that there may be a little more running than expected. I didn’t tell them that we would be carrying the concrete blocks that OG brought with us to the other coupons until we completed the warm up, you are already committed at that point and don’t get as mad about it.

One minute warming given

Lengthier than normal disclaimer given (I received strange looks from most of the FNGs)



5-Body Builders OYO

15-Imperial Walkers IC

15-Hillbilies IC

15-Windmills IC

Mosey to the Coupons, we had 19 coupons and 26 PAX and we had about a .6 mile trek ahead of us so I asked everyone to take turns carrying the blocks. PAX grabbed the blocks and we took off. Did I mention that there was elevation changes at this park already……. As a 4 year flat lander now, this was tough carrying the block up a hill.

As we approached the little parking lot with the pallets the group had been spread out a little bit so some of us held plank while others picked up the six.

I gave an explanation of what we would be doing and ask the group to count off to split us, one’s going to the blocks and two’s going to the pallets.

We would be using the blocks for the super loop and the super loop group would be the time keeper for both exercises. Once the super sevens and the lap (loop) of the Super Loop were completed the group pushing the pallets would head to the super loop and vice versa. For the pallet push (Which was absolutely miserable) we broke up into partners and both partners stayed on the same end, partner one pushed the pallet like a sled up the parking lot and back down while the other partner preformed a recovery exercise (AMRAP style) then they switched back and forth until the Super Loop group was done. So about that elevation and pushing pallets uphill……….. that was about as miserable of an exercise as I have done in a while. Each partner average about 4-8 up and backs with the pallets. If I am not mistaken I believe there were a couple of Merlots that were a result of the pallet pushes.

Each group completed the following sequence.

Super 7s- Blockees and Bent over Rows


Pallet Push AMRAP and Recovery Exercises

Super 7s-Curls and High Pull/Upright Row


Pallet Push AMRAP and Recovery Exercises

Super 7s-Shoulder Press and Merkins


Pallet Push AMRAP and Recovery Exercises

After completing this circuit the PAX were happy to leave the blocks in place and mosey back toward the football field. One of my new favorite exercise routines is a sprint workout that involves marking off every 10 yards on a football field (100 yards total). The routine is supposed to be as shown below but we didn’t have enough time so I cut it short with 30yrd 3 burpees, 40yrd 4 burpees and 90 yrd 9 burpees.

  1. 10yd Sprint 90yd Mosey
    1.          1 Burpee
  2. 20yd Sprint 80yd Mosey
    1.          2 Burpees
  3. 30yd Sprint 70yd Mosey
    1.          3 Burpees
  4. 40yd Sprint 60yd Mosey
    1.          4 Burpees
  5. 50yd Sprint 50yd Mosey
    1.          5 Burpees
  6. 60yd Sprint 40yd Mosey
    1.          6 Burpees
  7. 70yd Sprint 30yd Mosey
    1.          7 Burpees
  8. 80yd Sprint 20yd Mosey
    1.          8 burpees
  9. 90yd Sprint 10yd Mosey
    1.          9 Burpees
  10. 100yd Sprint
    1.          10 Burpees

After completing that we made our way back to the starting point and circled up as we were out of time. We did Name o Rama, announcements, named 6 FNGs and I prayed us out for the group.

It was an absolute pleasure getting to come home to Kentucky and participate in the launch of what will certainly be a great region. I am happy that I was able to spread a little bit of what we do here in the grand strand to the guys in both Lexington and Louisville. Every person at the AO pushed through what was an extremely difficult workout and it was a great effort by all. I will see all you boys in November when I return and hopefully I will see one or two down here at a Beach AO this summer. You showed me yours so its only fair if I get to show you mine!

Somewhere between 8-12 PAX enjoyed coffeteria after the beat down at North Lime Coffee and Donuts.