Deck of death with some sweet tunes

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2021-08-17

Q: Wally World

Various stretching
25 cockroaches IC

Tha Thang
Q had a totally normal deck of cards. Whatever card flipped over determined the exercise and rep count. After each joker, we switched up the exercises.

❤️ – merkins
♠️ – overhead press
♣️ – curls
♦️ – squat
Face cards – chest press

1st joker – run down the parking lot hill, jail break back

❤️ – lunges w/ coupon overhead (1 is 1)
♠️ – straight leg dead lift
♣️ – dead bugs (2 is 1)
♦️ – tricep extension
Face cards – 5 man makers

2nd joker – jog to bottom of hill and Bernie back

❤️ – flutter kicks w/ coupon overhead (2 is 1)
♠️ – bent over rows
♣️ – kettle bell swings
♦️ – mountain climbers
Face cards – 5 Catalina wine mixers

3rd joker – 50 side straddle hops IC

❤️ – big boy sit-ups
♠️ – coupon front raises
♣️ – thrusters
♦️ – flying squirrels
Face cards – 5 jello makers

End in COT

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2021-08-16

Q: Boo Boo

Pax: Boo Boo, Weird Science

Arm and leg stretches

Tha Thang
2 sets, battle buddy format:
30 yd dead man drag
AMRAP Merkins
30 yd dead man drag
AMRAP squats
30 yd dead man drag
Flutter kicks
30 yd dead man drag
10 curls / 10 tricep extensions
30 yd dead man drag
AMRAP lunges

Heavy Ruck for Time

End in COT

Pre-Blast – If you build it they will come – 3/30

Location: Gridlock (Shillito Park – Babe Ruth Parking Lot)
Date: 3/30/2019
Time: 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM

This Saturday, 3/30, come celebrate the opening day(s) of Major League Baseball. The weather should be a little warmer! If you’re already on slack, be sure to go AYE the event for tomorrow, there might be some extra “fun” for those that don’t 😉

Try to bring a FNG (Friendly New Guy) with you tomorrow!

1st Annual Turkey Bowl – 11/22 Pre-Blast

Men of Lexington, I am pleased to announce the 1st Annual F3 Lexington Turkey Bowl. Before you get those turkeys in the fryer or that casserole in the oven, come out to Shillito Park (aka Gridlock) and join us as we toss the pigskin around. We’ll be playing a game of “Ultimate Football” kind of like Ultimate Frisbee but with a football…and a little F3 fitness added.

All men in Lexington are invited. It’s a great way to start off your turkey day burning off all those calories you’re gonna eat later in the day!

Time: 7:00 am

Place: Shillito Park – Football Fields

9/22 Pre-Blast – Yanni Q

Men, come out tomorrow for a Fall Beatdown! I’ll be leading the Q on 9/22 (1st day of fall!) at 0700 at Shilito Park (AKA Gridlock). We will be meeting by the tennis courts, look for the American Flag! Let’s bring some new people in and show them what F3 is all about!

Join us at 0630 for a pre-workout ruck around the Gridlock.

7/28 Hertz Pre-Blast

You have plans for Saturday at 7am. Shilito Park by the pool.
Things to bring:
a great attitude
a friend
a pair of gloves
a backpack (or weight vest/pc) weighing 20-40LB (If you aren’t sure how much weight, aim for 20LB.)
An awkward and/or heavy coupon (object) in the 40-100LB range (if you have one.)



7/14 Pre Blast #Flexington #LexVegas Shillito Park

Men!! It is a great day to be f3!  I am pumped to Q this weekend.  We will work hard, embrace suffering and become the type of men that are world changers.  Spread the work, bring a friend and be ready to encourage each other.  It will be the best 7am of your week.  Make sure that you start your hydration now as the heat and humidity can be a bear.  Let’s do work.  HanzandFranz


6/9 preblast #F3LexVegas KiloQ

D0AE029C-2B7C-468F-A300-32C94C90EA19LexVegas are you ready for a Party?  YHC has been looking forward to this Q for what seems longer than the Gillespie Era. Also this is my 3rd Q in 4 days in celebration of my birthday week.  So basically I have a lot of pain in my party bag to deliver.  So in the words of Mark Stoops,  Let’s get to work!




Bluegrass Beatdown coming soon!!!


I am getting super excited about coming back to Lexington and making an appearance at the new region. F3 has been a huge part of my life for a year now down in the GrandStrand region (Myrtle Beach) and I knew this would be great for Lexington and it would gain a huge following. As soon as I found out this was happening I knew I wanted to make the trip and be apart of the launch. A huge thank you goes out to Captain Insane-O and Zartan for working with me and getting me a spot on the Q sheet!!!

My plan for us next Saturday is simple, Snot Woggler! The last Region that GrandStrand participated in the launch of was Manning, SC and we drew week four which is the Snot Woggler week usually. The goal for the snot Woggler is simple, show the PAX what F3 has done for other men on the fitness side and demonstrate how how much you are truly capable of if you just push through. It will be fast, furious and brutal, if it isn’t you will receive a full refund at the end of the BOM! My goal as Q will be to provide each PAX with a full body workout hitting each muscle group in the lower and upper body while mixing  in a healthy dose of cardiovascular exercise as well. The workout will be preformed in true HIIT fashion mixing strength and endurance in a rotating fashion to maintain an elevated heart rate throughout the entire 1 hour bootcamp. Both of the routines we will be doing are ones that I have recently came up with, I am sure someone has done them before but I just wasn’t aware of it. So, hopefully this will be something new and outside of the norm for everyone. If you want to try and get an idea of what to expect check out and read through some of my old BBs. It’s gonna be SUPER!!



F3 Lexington- Pre-Blast – 05/26/18

Tolly Ho! This Saturday Gepetto and Backdraft are returning to where we spent many years of drunken debauchery and probably not much working out. A lot of our time was spent at the U Club or CCI’s which now that I think about it, most have never heard of either of those places unless your old like us. Our brother from another mother, Meatball, won’t be able to make it due to injury but don’t worry we will handle the Q duties. As a matter of fact, we like you Lexington guys so much that we are bringing gifts. So get ready for a good ol’ fashion snot woggler from a couple of LexVegas vets. There will be some running and definitely some lifting so bring gloves, you’ll need them. SYITG


Who:  HIM’s of Lexington, KY – Bring your headlocks too!

What:  F3 Bootcamp-style workout Q’ed by Backdraft & Gepetto of F3 Louisville

When:  5/26/18 0700-0800  (Coffeeteria meetup after)

Where:  3745 Shillito Park Rd Lexington, KY 40503 (Look for the American Flag on a Shovel)

F3 FLEXington – 5/19/18 Pre-Blast

Men of Lexington:

Tomorrow, Nugget and I will have the privilege of visiting your fine city to deliver a beatdown of epic proportions.  And when I say beatdown, I mean a beatdown not seen in Lexington since Lamar Jackson went and…..well, I digress.  In other words, we can’t wait to share more of what F3 has given to us.  So please put the bourbon away a little early, stay hydrated, get some sleep, and get ready for tomorrow.  See you in the Gloom!


Who:  HIM’s of Lexington, KY – Bring your headlocks too!

What:  F3 Bootcamp-style workout Q’ed by Red Roof and Nugget of F3 Louisville

When:  5/19/18 0700-0800  (Coffeeteria meetup after)

Where:  3745 Shillito Park Rd Lexington, KY 40503 (Look for the American Flag on a Shovel)

Why:  To get a little better each and every day.

~Red Roof

F3Lexington Launch BackBlast 5.12.18


PAX: DoubleDown(Respect) Gypsy, Gypsy (NC), Flounder, Biscuit, OJ, Wham!, Mayberry, ForceClose, RoadTrip & our FNGs: Opera Ghost, Bucky, Crabcake, Lincoln Log, Ooze, Hans&Franz, Suvee, Radio, O’Shag, Swanson, BarneyFife, Valdez, Gamby, Spackler and Taylor (to be named later)

Conditions: 70ish degrees and gorgeous.

Hard start at 0700 at Shillito Park Pool parking lot. Welcoming remarks and disclaimer given. Mosey through the field, across the creek and into the practice field  for some COP.



20 SSH IC (Side Straddle Hops and in cadence)

20 Imperial Walkers IC

20 Copperhead Squats IC

15 Merkins 2 Count

Spent some time during this explaining the first 2 Core Principles.

Moseyed to the tennis cours for Thang 1.  By the way there are 8 connected tennis courts at this AO.  The possibilities are endless.


Started off with some DORA 123.  Partner 1 started with merkins while P2 ran to the end of court 4, performed to burpees and ran back.  switched and used cumulative counting to 100 merkins, 200 squats and 300 LBCs.  Once complete PAX joined groups still working and helped them knock out the remaining LBCs.

While recovering discussed the next 2 Core Principles.

Next exercise was a group lunge walk for 2 tennis courts, Gypsy taught me yet another reason to clap, followed by 2 court bear crawl.  Run back to start.

Left the tennis courts and circled up for a Circle Burp.  PAX does high knees and we go around the circle stating our name followed by one burpee.  26 burpees in all.  Woof.

Moseyed around the park past the play ground to the perimeter running trail.   Partnered up for some Plank and Dip work.  P1 did 15 dips while P2 did elbow planks.  Rinse and repeat 2X.


Short mosey back to pool lot where we did SSH while we waited for the 6.

Circled up for some Mary.

20 Gas Pumps IC

20 American Hammer IC

20 Dolly IC

Phiffer Kicks on my count

20 Rosalita IC (en español)

20 Dying Cockroaches (OJ)

15 Big Boy Sit Ups OYO (on your own)


Count-o-roma, Name-o-roma.  With 15 FNGs this took a little longer than usual.  It was great to get to know these guys a little more and give them their F3 names.  Lots of laughs and smiles.

Explained what the Circle of Trust was and that it was the 5th Core Principle.  Arm in arm YHC closed with words of appreciation for the men who came out to get better today.   Could not be happier with the turn out today and can’t wait to come back next week and see some familiar faces.  You guys crushed it today and definitely earned some smoked meat and beer.

In closing, Gypsy (NC) is a stud.  Came in from Carolina, brought gloves for FNGs and taught me how to clap my way through my lunge walks.  Oh, and did I mention when he was asked for a 10 count to allow the PAX to catch their breath he dropped and counted out 10 Merkins.  Stud.  TClaps




F3 Lexington Launch – Pre-Pre Blast

On May 12, 2018, F3 comes to Lexington.

What is F3?  Check out our Homepage for the answers to all of your questions.

Why should I come to F3?  Check out this Post from a member of F3Louisville.  It will give you a sense of what F3 is like.

Where will it be?  We’ve chosen Shillito Park as the first spot.  Here’s a LINK to the meet up spot.

How will I know if I’m there?  All F3 workouts are marked with a shovel flag.  It’s just what it says:  a painted (sometimes fancily) shovel with an American Flag on top.  It’s where the workout starts and where it ends.

Should I come alone?  Hell no!  Bring a friend or eight.  Didn’t you read the Homepage?  The Second F stands for Fellowship, and it’s the glue that makes F3 work.

See you in the gloom (SYITG) on May 12.

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