Ben There, Done That

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-10-26
Weather: “Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. ” William Shakespeare

Q: Muck
PAX: 11 – Incognito, Buzz Kill, Corn Dog, Axeman, Morpheus, Flu Shot, Oshag, Santa’s Little Helper, Baby Driver, Hoser, Muck

– Michael Phelps
– THE Runner’s Stretch (switch)
– Cross feet, bend and hang (switch)
– Tricep pulls, behind head (switch)
– Arms across (switch)
– Grass grabbers (10, IC)

Tha Thang
Started off with one round of exercise dice. (Was planning on doing two rounds, but shooters were having trouble keeping the dice in front of them.)

Then a mosey to the coupons for some Benjamins (every round equals 100).

25 Curls >>> 25 Lunge steps >>> 25 Squats >>> 25 Lunge steps back to coupons

25 Overhead Presses >>> 25 High Skips >>> 25 Mountain Climbers >>> 25 High Skips back

25 Bent Over Rows >>> 25 Bear Crawl steps >>> 25 LBC’s >>> 25 Bear Crawl steps back

25 Coupon swings >>> 25 High Knees >>> 25 American Hammers >>> 25 High Knees back

25 Bench Presses >>> 25 Side shuffles >>> 25 Cross crunches >>> 25 Side shuffles back

These hardcharging pax were so “en fuego”, we repeated rounds 1 and 2.

Mosey back to the flag. Wrapped up with 30 more Big Boys.

Little known fact… Benjamin Franklin founded the first public library and first public hospital. (Sometimes I get sick of reading so much. Get it? Hospital,? Library? Sick of reading?) I crack myself up.

End in COT