
Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-11-03
Weather: Clear and 45 degrees

Q: 49er
PAX: 12 – Steve-O, The Janitor, 49er, Slick Willie, Lansbury, Sous Vide, Muck, Splitter, Bettis, Axeman, Incognito, Wally World

Miscellaneous stretching
10x Sumo Squats IC
10x Grass Grabbers IC
15x SSHs IC
Mosey to the coupons at the top of the parking lot

Tha Thang
In a purely coincidental show of convenience (laziness), YHC modified a kettlebell workout he found in a clickbait article online.

4 exercises
40 seconds on AMRAP – 20 seconds off
1. Thrusters
2. Not Dead Yet Bugs (Hollow hold coupon press)
3. Coupon swings
4. Manmakers

90 seconds to run the stairs down to the road and back.

We completed 6 rounds and moseyed back to the flag.

End in COT