Board Man Gets Paid

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2019-08-24
Time: 07:00 am
Weather: 60s—perfect

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 18 – Sheva(FNG), Oshag, Weird Science, Sushi, Red Flanders, Sparky, Radio, Roadtrip, Roll Boog, Ronaldo, 49er, Axeman, Lansbury, Stapler, Zebra, Hanz&Franz, Mr. Hand, Kisses

Disclaimer | Name-O-Rama | Count
Michael Phelps/Arms (OYO)
20 Side Straddle Hop (IC)
15 Imperial Walkers (IC)
10 Grass Grabbers (IC)
15 Copperhead Squats (IC)
50 Toe Taps (OYO)
50 Imaginary Jump Ropes (OYO)
25 R-leg Imaginary Jump Ropes (OYO)
25 L-leg Imaginary Jump Ropes (OYO)
Mosey to basketball courts

Tha Thang
10 Kentucky fast break – switch directions half way. Oshag slapped the backboard with two hands, making Woody Harrelson proud.
10 Vegas Close Outs – FT, HC, FT, Endline. Jog back.
10 Jump/Squat, Broad jump, Merkin, Sprint length of court
10 Lane Agility Drill — each with two squat jumps. Buddy system for timeliness.
50 Merkins
2 Knockout games. HIMs waiting their turn or knocked out jogged around the basketball court.
6 MoM. PAX picked their poisen.
Mosey to base.

Welcomed FNG now better known as Sheva.
Shared the 5 principles.
Thank you to everyone who tolerated my VQ and taste in music.

End in COT