Cardio, Strength, Core, and Bodyweight Tibata

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-06
Weather: 31 and clear

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 6 – Boo Boo, Zebra, Sous Vide, 49er, Axeman, Lansbury

Mosey, SSH, Walkout Merkins, Runner’s Yoga Stretche, Hinged arm circles, OYO arm stretching.

Tha Thang
12 Exercises: 4 rounds of each exercise. 30 seconds of work. 10 seconds of rest between rounds. 30 seconds rest between exercises.

Skaters, Coupon Shoulder Press, Grapplers, Lateral Crossover Merkins, High Toe Taps, Coupon Chest Press, Star Crunches, Dip Toe Taps, Mountain climbers, Coupon Curls, American Hammers, Burpees.

*15 Big Boy Sit-up bonus round
**Coupons = 38 lbs.

End in COT