Coach Chewy’s Super Bowl 56 Prep Party

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-02-12
Weather: 32 w/ high overcast…dry ground…perfect

Q: Chewbacca
PAX: 13 – 49er, Axeman, Chewbacca, Country Road, El Fed, Geppetto, Hertz, Incognito, Muck, Possum, Radio, Sous Vide, Raquel

Frankensteins & Buttkickers x2
Arm Circles
Heisman Hops (3 each side – hold and crunch when you’re in that classic pose)
Fast-feet & Up/Downs, changing direction based on Q’s whistle and call outs…done for the length of THE Monday Night Football song by Hank Williams, Jr.
Mosey to the field

Tha Thang
Divided Pax into two groups: X’s & O’s
X: move around perimeter of the field (with HIM in the lead deciding to Mosey, Bernie, Karaoke, etc. stopping at each light post. Each stop had different letter with an exercise: B-I-N-G-A-L-S
Burpees, Inch worms w/shoulder taps (disclaimer: there was no good “E”), Never Cross Dolly, Air Dramas, Lunges, Sumo Squats – 6 reps each for a “pick 6”. Team keeps going until whistle.
Mosey or Jailbreak etc to the end of the field, running back after each exercise. Use coupons to do 7 (for a TD & PAT) reps of 8 exercises (7×8=Super Bowl 56). The exercises spell out alternate spelling of an end zone showboat dance: S-C-H-O-B-E-R-D for the following:Squats, Curls, Heisman Hops, Overhead press, Brench press, Elf of the shelf, Row, Dips (alternating single leg)

Each team did 2-3 full rounds. All exercises done as a team in cadence.

End in COT