Cup of Fun

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2021-04-10
Weather: Splendid

Q: Weird Science
PAX: 5 – Weird Science, Sushi, Animal Style, Zebra, Wally World

Quick mosey around lot
Side straddle hops
Toe touches
Imperial walkers
Arm circles
Michael Phelps
Triceps stretch

Tha Thang
Mosey to coupons and got into a circle. Placed two red solo cups in the middle. One cup was full of pieces of paper with fun exercises on them. The other cup was a discard cup.

Each Pax took turns drawing from the cup and we did the exercise on the paper. The exercises were:

10 man-makers
50 mountain climbers
20 coupon squats
30 curls
20 overhead press
10 star jumps
30 side straddle hops
30 plank shoulder taps
30 American hammers
40 big boys
20 plank jacks
Bear crawl (choose distance)
30 merkins
40 LBCs
10 squat Thrusters
10 burpees
50 overhead claps
Dealers choice
10 Catalina Wine Mixers
20 Australian Push-ups with legs at six inches

We then did a mosey around the lot for Zebra’s dealers choice and returned the coupons.

Did an Indian Run back to the starting parking lot and did 10 minutes of dealers choice Merry. Lots of ab work! Good job men!!!

End in COT