Do you guys like Nickelback?

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2020-08-15
Weather: Good temp, a bit muggy.

Q: Lincoln Log & Zebra
PAX: 12 – Bonjour!, Gulag, Animal Style, Mule, 49er, Ricky Bobby, Sparky, Lansbury, Toto, Weird Science, Lincoln Log, Zebra

This was the first co-Q with Lincoln Log and Zebra. Most of it was co-planned and the rest was added on the fly in the moment

Lincoln Log lead the Warm-O-Rama:

Ring of Fire
10 Arm Circles IC
10 Finkle Swings
10 Copperhead Squats
10 Imperial Walkers
10 Abe Vigodas
10 Grass Grabbers
10 Hillbillies

Finished the warm up introducing 21’s to The Foxhole
21 SSH’s, stopping the cadence count at 5, but all pax must stop at 21. It took 2 rounds and some added burpees before moving on.

Tha Thang
The real story of the beatdown is the playlist of this co-Q. Lincoln Log was in charge of the music for the beatdown, but Zebra hi-jacked it by continually suggesting an all Nickelback playlist. Midway through the playlist was switched to Nickelback and we all experienced the pain.

The main Thang was 4 corners: 5 min AMRAP in each corner of the parking lot with the given movements.
Corner 1: 5 Burpees, 10 Grapplers, 10 Lunges
Bear Crawl to the next corner
Corner 2: Parking lot suicides, 10 Herkins (hand release), 10 V-Ups
Corner 3: Lincoln Log lead the Deck of Death
Bernies Sanders to the next corner
Corner 4: 10 Dorothy’s (squat jump with toe tap in the air), 10 American Hammers, 10 Dry Docks
Zebra had the great idea to sprint back to the first corner = pure exhaustion
Repeat Corner 1: 5 Burpees, 10 Grapplers, 10 Lunges

Finisher: Thor’s Hammer
1-to-4 ratio of Big Boy Sit-ups to American Hammers
We completed 5 rounds, did 30 second plank, then completed through round 9

Welcome to our FNG’s Bonjour! and Gulag.

End in COT