Double or nothing corners

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2019-09-23
Time: 05:30 am
Weather: 60s, cloudy, and clear.

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 5 – Axeman, Madoff, 49er, Incognito, Lansbury

Run in place
20 SSH (IC)
Michael Phelps (OYO)
Arm Circles, big and little in both directions (OYO)
Cross-body arm stretch (OYO)
Overhead arm and shoulder stretch (OYO)
50 Toe taps (OYO)
30 Imaginary jump ropes (OYO): Both, Left, and Right legs.
Dynamic warm-up of Frankenstein’s, Quad stretch, and Pigeons

Tha Thang
Mosey long way up parking lot to retrieve coupons

Four Corners Escalator (modified): PAX ran .25-mile laps around parking lot with four workout stations.

Lap 1: 5 man makers w/coupon | 10 burpees | 15 Merkins | 20 mountain climbers
Lap 2: 10 man makers w/coupon | 15 burpees | 20 Merkins | 25 mountain climbers
Lap 3: 15 man makers w/coupon | 20 burpees | 25 Merkins | 30 mountain climbers
Lap 4: 5 coupon curls + overhead press | 10 Big Boy Sit-ups | 15 Air squats | 20 curtsy lunges
Lap 5: 10 coupon curls + overhead press | 15 Big Boy Sit-ups | 20 Air squats | 25 curtsy lunges

Return coupons and mosey to base.

5-minute yoga recovery

End in COT