Dropping Dimes

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-01-13
Weather: Clear and Cool

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 5 – Lansbury, Incognito, Boo Boo, Sous Vide, Axeman

SSH, 13 Walkout Merkins, Lateral Line Touches, Pigeon Pulls, Mosey, OYO arm stretches

Tha Thang
Modified 10-minute Nickel & Dimes: 5 Burpees & 5 Box Jumps EMOM.

.25 lap around parking lot—walking lunge down side slope, run along road, Sprint up opposite slope, mosey to shelter.

Tabata: 6 exercises, 30 seconds work & 10 rest for 4 rounds. 30 seconds rest between exercises.

Coupon Chest Press, Mountain Climbers, Air Squats, Grapplers, Wall Sits, Curls.

Bonus Round of 40 two count flutter kicks IC

End in COT