F3: Now That’s Rock n Roll

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-03-03
Weather: Pristine

Q: Steve-O
PAX: 9 – Raquel, Geppetto, The Janitor, Showcase Showdown, Oshag, Muck, Sous Vide, Wally World, Steve-O

Michael Phelps, Tricep stretches, Arm Circles, Bend and Hang / Snap, Heated Debate on Runners’ Stretch.

Tha Thang
4 CORNERS: 20 Squats (or 10 Coupon Swings), Mosey, 5 Burpees, Intermittent Bear Crawl, 10 Dead Bugs (2=1), Mosey, 15 Merkins, Jailbreak, Repeat.

End in COT