Location: Gridlock
Date: 2020-02-15
Weather: 15° and Clear
Q: Lansbury
PAX: 19 – Alfalfa, Ding Dong, Ping, Raquel, Bagman, Muck, Juul, Weird Science, Sparky, Zebra, Incognito, Radio, Stapler, Ronaldo, Sous Vide, Axeman, Lansbury, Hertz, 49er
Dynamic warm-up + Mosey up the lot
Tha Thang
Tabata: 4 cycles of each exercise—30 sec work, 15 sec rest, and 30 seconds rest between exercise except as noted below.
Mountain Climbers
Copperhead Squats
Catalina Wine Mixers
90 seconds of lunges
Shoulder Taps
Carolina Dry Docks
120 seconds of overhead claps
Flutter Kicks
Bobby Hurley’s
120 seconds of SSH
10 Minute EMOM of 3 Burpees + 10 Squats
3 minute plank finish
Shout-out to 3 FNGs earning their street cred on day 1.
End in COT