Football field tire flippin

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-06-29

Q: Manchild
PAX: 7 – Golden Shower, Bootlegger, Sour Mash, Doc Holiday, Manchild, Quick Match, Big E

Side straddle hops, runners stretch, slow squats

Tha Thang
PAX teamed up in pairs. Large tractor tire started on the goal line. One team flipped tire down the field to the other goal line alternating flips while the other PAX did the following:
10- push ups
20- air squats
30- big flutter kicks
40- shoulder taps
50- air squats
40- shoulder taps
30- flutter kicks
20- air squats
10- push ups
PAX ran ahead and did the above workout until the tire made its way to their yard line and then advanced.
We did 600 yards of this then circled up, then sprinted a little, and circled up and did a 10 min abs finisher

End in COT