For whom the “Belle” tolls

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2022-09-13
Weather: 59° | Crisp

Q: Lansbury
PAX: 13 – Oshag, Lansbury, Steve-O, Muck, Sous Vide, One Time, Bam, Showcase Showdown, Wally World, Incognito, Splitter, Zebra, Lincoln Log


Tha Thang
Iron PAX Week 2 — 45-Minute AMRAP

13 Clydesdales chose violence as their first order of business.

The Clydesdales took center court with 5 points positioned 25-yarda out in the shape of a star.

The Clydesdales trampled the following to death:

5 Man makers
Rifle Carry Out
10 We’re not worthy
Farmer’s carry in
5 man makers
Rifle carry out
15 Goblet squats
Farmer’s carry in
5 man makers
Rifle carry out
20 Tricep extensions
Farmer’s carry in
5 man makers
Rifle carry out
25 KB swings
Farmer’s carry in
5 man makers
Rifle carry out
30 curls
Farmer’s carry in


Bonus: the Clydesdales’ carried coupons back to storage.

End in COT