Fun & Games

Location: Foxhole
Date: 2021-08-28
Weather: Humid. Ridiculously humid

Q: Boo Boo
PAX: 5 – Boo Boo, Wally World, Sparky, TStark, Animal Style

Various stretches

Tha Thang
Ring of Fire: 10 stations setup in a circle. PAX completed 10 Reps or a 30 sec hold of the exercise listed at station and then ran a lap around the ring to the next station. Repeat until PAX hit all stations. Flip exercise cards over and do event again.

10 cards laid face down at 100 yards distance. PAX completed AMRAP of exercise listed on card until next PAX ran and brought back another card.

Finished with a short game of ultimate frisbee.

End in COT