I Go-You Go / 4 WODS

Location: Birds Nest
Date: 2023-03-09
Weather: 36

Q: Manchild
PAX: 7 – Beethoven , Bootlegger, Linguine, Sour Mash, Doc Holiday, Quick Match, Manchild


Tha Thang
Partnered up: only 1 PAX works at a time
Each station was an 8 minute AMRAP workout, then rotate. The number of reps was per team.

Station 1: 50 coupon goblet squats, 50 deadlifts 95#

Station 2: 40 cleans 95#, 40 KBS 53#

Station 3: 200 single unders jump rope, 20 truck bed up/downs

Station 4: 20 man-makers 30# DBs, 20
sandbag throws over shoulder 50#

**Each PAX also had to row 20 calories per station during their rest period

End in COT