Labor Day Throwdown!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-09-04
Weather: Clear skies, full hearts, can’t lose

Q: Muck
PAX: 29 – Radio, Hoser, Sous Vide, Buffet, Buzz Kill, Santa’s Little Helper, Oshag, Peach, Giggles, Zebra, Splitter, Axeman, Hose Head (DR), Hi-Hat(DR), Sauerkraut, Poke (DR), Bam, Tatanka, Golden Shower, Flu Shot, Chewbacca, Magikarp, Weird Science, Lincoln Log, Lansbury, Matlock, Joe Dirt, Bush, Muck

Divide teams. Green team wore pennies. Mosey to the frisbee field.

Tha Thang
Great sunny day for the F3Lex Labor Day Ultimate Frisbee tradition.! Two 25 minute halves. Five minute halftime break. The team scored upon did 10 reps of an exercise of the scoring team’s choice.

In grand F3 core principle fashion, there was no stopping for automatic sprinklers… hot, cold, rain, or shine, or watering the field… makes no difference… play on!

Green Team stacked their roster and won the 1st half. Re-draft at halftime. Non- Green Team took the 2nd half. Q declares a tie game… go kiss your sister. 🙂

End in COT