Let’s Do a Spartan Race!

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-01-14
Weather: 30 and cloudy

Q: Sous Vide
PAX: 14 – Sous Vide, Oshag, Radio, Hertz, Elle Woods, Buffet, Muck, The Janitor, Incognito, Axeman, Splitter, Wally World, Dub-K, Chewbacca

Lots of dynamic stuff

Tha Thang
Ran to basketball courts with partner and did 20 burpees. Ran to football field and did 20 overhead presses. Ran to big hill and did 20 over/unders with partner. Tan back to football field and did farmer’s carry to the bottom of the hill while partner did side straddle hops. Ran back to parking lot and did 60 tire flips as a team. Ran one loop of parking lot back to baseball entrance and did 20 box jumps. Ran back to flag and did 20 ssh’s, 20 squat jumps, 20 plank jacks.

End in COT