May the Fourth Be with You

Location: Gridlock
Date: 2023-05-04
Weather: Not Warm, but Not Hoth

Q: Sparrow
PAX: 12 – Sous Vide, Ollie, Axeman, Muck, LeBron, Bettis, Zebra, Sparrow, Steve-O, Splitter, 49er, Incognito

•1 big lap around the parking lot
•20 SSH (in cadence) , squats, side-to-side jumps, ice skaters, lateral butt kickers

Tha Thang
Moseyed up to the top of the parking lot to grab a coupon.
• 3 sets [Complete x10: Overhead press, burpees, big boy sit-ups, curls & incline merkin with coupon.] After the exercises were completed, run one lap around the parking lot, once pax got back to the top (middle portion) finished the lap with Imperial Walkers or lunges.

Moseyed up to the field of pain (Soccer or football field, depending on what continent you hail from) Pax paired up with a partner.
• 2 sets [One person jogged down the length of the field and back, bear crawling at least 1/4 of the way. While one partner ran down the field, the other partner attempted to complete 30 squats, 30 leg lifts, and 10 hand-release merkins.

Returned to AO

Q-Shared a word of encouragement from 1 Thessalonians 5:11
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

One great thing about F3 is the encouragement we get to give and receive from our brothers. Q challenged PAXs to take intentional steps to be an encouragement to those in their sphere of influence.

End in COT